CH-4 Mafia King

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Is it that hard to get loved by your family? You were always used to thinking, why Taehyung is behaving all rude and at the same time over protective, but today you got the answer.

He is rude because he doesn't care about you, and he is over protective because your father wants him to be.

Your eyes are forming tears while you are trying to control it by gulping the lump in your throat while looking at the book in front of your thought he loves you, he cares about you, but today he spilt the truth in anger. After his hurtful words you didn't stay there as you immediately rushed out and got into the car to reach the university.

You still couldn't understand when and where and how it all got changed. You were happy with your family, even you used to think once that you had the best family in the world. But from when everything got to change? Why?. If you turn back to look, you guys are not the same like before.

Everything seems like a universal change where you jumped into the parallel world. You wished to turn back times where everything was so perfect. But isn't it too late? Taking a deep breath you tried to focus on the lacture but suddenly you felt uncomfortable as you noticed people's gaze on you.

You turned to your back only to see a girl and her friends looking at you in anger. You frowned but soon you got it. She is the girlfriend of that senior boy whom Taehyung killed. Her eyes are red and puffy as she is looking at you with hate and disgust while her friends are glaring at you with fear as well as hate.

You gulped as the guilt formed in your throat which is blocking your breath. It's all your fault. Again here we go, you started to think about everything as you feel more stressed and you are starting to feel that Because of you many people are losing their life in your brother's or father's hand. So why don't you better end yourself?


Taehyung POV

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!... I don't know why, but I couldn't control my anger as I'm standing in the backyard while smoking continuously.

I feel so suffocating inside as I couldn't stand there even for a minute. I'm feeling my blood rushing in my sterm as it's blocking all my patience. I told her nearly thousands of times not to enter that side of the castle, but still she had f*cking pulled that stunt, that too when I was not there. I was just went for 3 hours to check the guns which landed from Russia in our factory. Then suddenly I got a call from Jungkook saying that she went inside that room.

I immediately rushed here as I don't want my father to know about it. When I reached the castle, she was already asleep so we went directly to the security room to check the Infrared CCTV cameras which was fixed in that dark room. Since that room has no glimpse of light we fixed this camera which can cover everything even in the dark.

But seeing that my blood boiled. How he fooled her to come close to him. Thank God I left Jungkook here cause of y/n was alone. He said, After sensing the guards rushing sound he went outside and saw y/n was missing in that dark side of castle but soon he heard her scream so he immediately rushed inside as he ordered the guards to take the lights to distract him.

But what scared me the most is he..h-he touched her..his hands landed on her skin. The thing for which I scared the most had happened now. I don't want to think what will happen hereafter but I need to keep her safe at any cost. I don't want my father to know anything about this because I know he would kill him, if he knows that he touched y/n to save her life from his hand. I too want to save her at any cost but still I don't want to kill..not him.

I'm not sure what to do now or how to protect her so I tighten the security in front of his room as well as the whole dark side of the castle. And I asked the guards to inform me immediately if y/n goes out of the main door. Hereafter I won't allow her to even walk in the garden.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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