Ch-3 Fake love

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You opened your eyes feeling your back hurts by laying in the same position for so long. You groan as you turn to the side to stretch your body. Your head is heavy as you feel the throbbing pain .

You sniffed the pillow while laying on your front as the venila fragrance reached your nostril. It's your smell which is giving you peace. But suddenly you opened your eyes wide to recall the incident which happened before you faint.

You immediately sat on your bed while looking straight at the mirror which is right beside your bed attached to the cupboard. Your eyes are swollen and red your cheeks have a dry tear mark, and your hair is messy. You could feel the pain rising in your heart.

Your brother killed another innocent just because of you. You couldn't take it as the pain and guilt is more. Only if you weren't dreaming about Jungkook and bumped into him, he would have been alive today.

You are feeling guilty, ashamed,angry. How could they do that. Yes he did wrong but killing is not the deserved punishment for bullying someone. And your brother, why did he change so much, from when did he change into a robot, from when did he change this ruthless. The Taehyung whom you have known is not like this, he is sweet, caring, soft, funny, loveable, and affectionate. But now, he is a monster.

Your eyes turned red in anger as your tears are at the edge. You harshly removed the blanket as you got down from the bed as you headed to the living before looking at the clock which shows 00:59am. It's almost midnight.


Once you reached the living room, it was empty as only the few guards were standing near the door for night duty. You are as angry as you don't want to live with these monsters anymore who kill people like mosquitos. 

You reach the main door with your angry steps while the two guards near the door are alerted as they bow to you. You ignored them as you held the door lock. "Princess y/n, it's not the correct time to go out" a guard Said professionally while you ignored him as you tried to push the door open.

"Ms, sir and madam are not home, please go back to your room " you didn't know your parents are not home yet, but is it the correct time to move away from this hell? You shrugged your thoughts as you move forward while pushing the guard away who is standing near the door like a rock.

"Move away before I kick you" you said with your gritted teeth while trying to push him away.
"Mam please go inside, the boss is also not home" you stopped moving as you glanced at the guards. So no one is home. Wow. It's your luck as you are left alone. Poor them left you alone thinking you will sleep like as usual not knowing you will make a decision to move out of the castle for your better future.

A strong belief filled your heart. Yes you were angry and fearless a minute ago but when you heard that your brother and father are not home, that's when the real fearlessness of your heart came out filling your guts more. You think for a second silently while the guards are looking at you.

But suddenly without giving any hint, you bend a little to escape from the small gap between the two guards. They gasped in shock to see your move as you successfully came out of the door. But now is the real challenge. There are bunches of guards in the garden and in the entrance and all around the castle. It would be hard to reach the gate but still you boosted up your confidence because no one is home. The guards are like crackers. Without fire they are just papers.

You immediately started to run without giving any chance to the guards who are looking at you in shock and confused. "Catch her!!" You heard the guard shouts behind your back probably the one who was standing near the door.

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