Ch-1 Understood

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The Night sky decorated with its family members Stars and a neighbour moon are dancing in front of your eyes as your lips are on a wide smile while lifting your head and staring at them without blinking. The cold weather didn't help as you Shiver whenever a cold Breeze hits your skin, but that is not going to stop you from enjoying your own self this night in the garden of your castle.

Your arms are wrapped around your body as your legs are moving very slowly making your long dress brush the grass around the garden.

The Garden is dark as only the few lights on the path way keeping the garden visible. The loud chatterings and the piano playings and the jazz music in the background are still audible for you even though you are far away from that.

Your eyes glanced the garden once again which you didn't step in for a long time.

This was the garden which Once you used to spend your time with your brother and your cousin sister. But now everything has changed as you are standing here all alone. You could still

hear your childhood laughters and bickering and little fights with your brother.

Still everything looks so fresh but only in the memories. What if you go back to times where you were happy with your family? What if you get any time mechine to go back to the past? What if you meet any fairy Angels to get a wish? Or allauddin? What if you ask them to send you to the past and you stay there without returning back to the future? You signed as you smiled at yourself for thinking crazy.

Your eyes are roaming in the dark garden where there was no guards to be find. This is how you wish to be in your life. No guards, no people with guns, no cold shoulders, no firm voices. You wanted this and you are enjoying this.

But not until you hear a footsteps of someone as you turned back immediately to see who is it.

You frowned seeing no one and the footsteps stopped as well. You are looking at your back still frowning as you heard someone coming but no one is here. 'Have you started to imagine things Kim y/n?' you asked yourself as you took a deep breath before turning to your front.

You gasped as jumped a little,when your eyes met with a tall man who is standing in front of you,a little closely.

"What a beautiful woman doing here all alone?"
His deep voice sent you chills as you gulp before taking a step back before answering.

"I-i'm just getting fresh air" you shutter but kept face cold like how exactly your family members thought you. "I see, aren't you the daughter of Mr Kim Daehyun?". You gulped before nodding your head. Your family thought you to keep your face cold and firm but no one thought you how to calm your beating heart.

"I-i need to go" you says while turning around while slightly lifting your long dress but stopped on your spot to hear him.

"Didn't your family thought you how to greet someone at your first meeting?" You closed your eyes while cursing in your mind. Of course yes, they thought you How to talk, how to walk, how to interact with people who ever they are introducing you.

But did they thought you how to handle strangers? Not at all.

"I'm sorry Mr.." "Salvatore...Mark Salvatore" you dragged as he finished your words.

"Mr Salvatore, I think I need to go my guards would be searching for me. Uhmm and nice meeting you " you said nervously yet with a cold face as you turned on your heels to leave but again his voice stopped you.

"Its nice meeting you too Ms Kim,  btw may I get the honar of escorting you inside the castle. After all you are the princess of this castle." You closed your eyes again and took a deep breath before turning around to face him.

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