Chapter 8 - The Visitor

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Vera woke up with a start

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Vera woke up with a start. He had seen something. Is it time? Already? 

He stood up from his fur seat, wrapped himself in thick white coarse robe that lay nearby and walked out of his mountain cave lost in thought. 

'Our Lord Master!' The other monks exclaimed joyously. 'Lord Master has woken up.' They hurried towards him to pay their respects. 

'You have woken up after a long time. It has been six months.'

'Seven.' Said another.

'I don't know.' Vera shrugged simply. 'When one is in that state one is lost in time.' 

They nodded reverently.

'I am needed somewhere.' 

'Yes, Lord Master.'

'I may be gone for some days.'

'Should we arrange something for you? A horse or a -'

He smiled shaking his head as if the suggestion amused him. The long blond hair of his beard shone like gold as it caught the sunlight. He was the youngest one of them, all the others being much older with all white hair. 

'Is there something we can do for you?'

'Just make sure my scrolls are not disturbed. They are in the back side of the cave. May be you could prepare a new batch of parchment and ink. I will be needing lots of it when I am back. Oh, and I might need shoes.'

'Do you plan to go right now?'

'Yes. It is urgent. The sooner I go, the better.'

A monk fetched his shoes for him. He put them on calmly.

The others sat down around him looking at him expectantly. Vera closed his eyes and took a deep breath. And vanished.

They bowed down their heads in deep respect for some time, closed his hut door then returned back to their own huts. 

Vera appeared before Sauvri as she lay in her room grieving over her dead sons

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Vera appeared before Sauvri as she lay in her room grieving over her dead sons. 


She stared. She blinked. She rubbed her eyes. She must be dreaming, she thought and fell back on bed again.

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 26 ⏰

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