Chapter 6: The Prophecy

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There was no place on earth more vile than Mistillies, a midsized independent kingdom in the east

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There was no place on earth more vile than Mistillies, a midsized independent kingdom in the east. Beautiful but soulless. Dreaded like a plague by citizens and neighbours alike. The name of Kassius was enough to strike terror into anybody's heart. Earlier, the kingdom of Mistillies was very much like all other: happy, prosperous and pulsating with life. But Kassius changed it all. The young cruel ambitious prince imprisoned his father King and his Queen and usurped the throne himself. As if that wasn't enough, his tyrannical rule coupled with his autocratic policies, brutal taxes, inhuman punishments and no interest in his people made his kingdom a living hell for everyone. 

As it is common with all tyrants, he refused to believe he was one. Too absorbed with his own lust for power and greed, he took pride in believing he was one of the best, the cleverest and the most powerful kings the world had ever seen. And he very much intended to always stay so for as long as he was capable of. 

The marriage ceremony of Vivitaan and Dilwee  was finally over as they both exchanged their gold nuptial bracelet

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The marriage ceremony of Vivitaan and Dilwee was finally over as they both exchanged their gold nuptial bracelet. Vivitaan, a Yaldar prince, had known Dilwee the princess since some time and when Kassius, his brother offered Dilwee's match to him, that's how it all came about. Not that Vivitaan or Dilwee or anybody else for that matter could have refused Kassius. Refusing Kassius meant only one thing: Death if one was fortunate. If not, then dying slow, torturous, painful death for displeasing him had become common in the accursed kingdom of Mistillies.

The marriage festivities began and people started eating, singing and dancing. 

A strange looking young monk entered the hall and surveyed them all in silence. His quiet eyes had such power that the guards wouldn't stop him. With not a hair either upon his big round head or glowing fair young face and wrapped up tight in orange robes he looked so stunningly different from everyone present there that he could not have gone unnoticed had he tried. But being noticed and seen appeared to be his intention at the moment. 

He strolled inside looking here and there at everyone until people noticed him and stopped short in the middle of whatever they were doing. The musicians stopped. The dancing stopped. the eating, talking and drinking stopped as if everything had frozen in time. The hall became eerily silent. His footsteps alone rang on the stone floor. 

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