"End the contract? Did I do something wrong? Is there something you didn't tell me about Lisa?" Bella was clearly full of questions I can tell that her mind was already going to different directions but I continued anyway.

"No you didn't do anything wrong and I told you the full truth about Lisa but I don't want our relationship to work like this, at first I did anything to be with you but now I realized it's just not fair for you to be in a fake relationship just for fun" I sighed, I realized I love Bella too much for our relationship to be just PR, I want something real with her.

"Ending this contract doesn't mean that I don't wanna be with you anymore, it just means that I want something more than a PR based relationship, I want to be involved in your life as much as possible" I continued and Bella finally smiled a smile of relief when I told her that I don't want to end things.

"So are you asking me out all over again?" Bella asked.

"Yes but our first date without PR will be a double date with Lorenzo and charlotte, it would be a good chance to spend some time with them" I said and Bella loved the idea.

"So technically we're both single now?" Bella said and I nodded.

"Until we go back to Monaco yes we are" something about Bella not being with me felt wrong and that in the next couple of weeks she's completely free to flirt and hookup with whoever she wants so I had to add what I'm about to say.

"But remember fans are everywhere around Santorini right now so we have to pretend like we're closer than ever publicly" I stated and Bella gave me an understanding look.

Isabella's POV:

Was our situation complicated? Yes but was I happy that there is no more fake dating? Yup.

We met with Pierre and kika afterwards and went straight to Charles' yacht.

Kika and I couldn't stop gossiping about the hundreds of articles we were hearing about the drivers because since summer break started, there has been millions of rumors about every f1 driver and most of them are crazy.

"Have you seen the rumor about max moving to Mercedes?" I said and kika shook her head.

"The guy sees Christian as the father he wished he had so I doubt that he's leaving Red Bull" kika said and I nodded in agreement.

"Or the one where people claim that lando hooks up with every girl in Monaco right now" kika says and I raise my eyebrows.

"Now that is a crazy rumor" I said.

After a few more minutes of talking we joined Charles and Pierre in the beach.

Charles and I were acting normal but at the same time trying to keep our limits till we touch down to Monaco, we both don't want anymore confusion.

Suddenly Charles pulled me close to him by my arm.

"Look over my shoulder" Charles whispered and when I looked I swear I saw up to ten people hiding behind a fence and taking pictures of us.

Ok maybe I was a little nervous more than I normally am because after seeing all the articles and rumors about the drivers, I wondered what would be written about me and by the look on Charles' face he realized instantly how nervous I was.

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