Chapter "14"

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At the moment, we just arrived to Barcelona and I didn't realize how much I missed this city with all my heart until we landed, and while Charles was driving us to the hotel, he was resting his hand on my leg and I didn't mind because I thought he was just doing this in case people saw us together inside the car.

"What about you take a photo of you holding my hand right now, I think it will drive the fans crazy" Charles said and I agreed and took the photo then posted it as a story on instagram.

"What about you take a photo of you holding my hand right now, I think it will drive the fans crazy" Charles said and I agreed and took the photo then posted it as a story on instagram

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Charles POV:

Before we leave Monaco, I got a call from Lewis to meet him at a coffee shop close to both of us and when I went to meet him, I saw Toto with and all my nerves cracked up, I knew exactly what this is about, who this is about to be more specific,

Once I sat down in front of them, Lewis was already glaring at me and Toto was just......Toto, they tried telling me that Bella went through a similar experience with Neymar but it obviously didn't end up well and even tho Lewis didn't know about their past relationship, Bella must have told him some details after he discovered that they knew each other in the Monaco Grand Prix and after a lot of threats of both of them telling me to not hurt Bella I finally got to return home.

What they don't know that I would never hurt Bella, how would I hurt the only girl I've ever really fallen in love with, I've just discovered that I've fallen for her when I got to experience what it's like to wake up next to her, I've never slept so peacefully in my life since the death of three of the most important people in my life, and what I liked about her even more that I felt her feeling calm as well laying down next to me.

I would never push Bella to tell me the details of her past relationship just like she's not pushing me to talk about the people I lost in such a short time but I have a feeling that once she tells me I'll just become more protective over her than I already am, not that I'm complaining I love looking after her.

Isabella's POV:

When Charles and I arrived to the hotel, I was desperate for some sleep and practice wasn't until a few days so I didn't have to wake up early.

Charles and I were headed to our room, and yes we we staying at the same hotel room because if we don't, receptionists would probably question it and we don't want rumors that we already broke up.

Once we entered the room, I didn't even bother to change and went straight to the bed so I can sleep peacefully, when Charles saw how I threw myself to the bed he let out a laugh at my tiredness.

Dream wag | Charles Leclerc Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora