Chapter 2

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Baraquiel(AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)Shouted he fell to the ground groaning in pain due to the electricity wounds he had received it was too much for the Cadre to take

Azazel(Baraquiel!)Shouted in worry and fear as Kara taunted

Kara(How does it feel to have a taste of your medicine?!)Laughed as he saw Baraquiel twitching in pain due to taking damage from his electric of own current

Azazel(You bastard?!)Shouted in response only for him to be pushed away by his telekinesis as he turned his attention to Baraquiel Azazel fearing that he might suck the life from him.

Azazel(No! Stay away from him!)Shouted begging Kara to stay away from Baraquiel

Kara(A Fallen's life Energy I wonder how that would taste)Kara's hands charged as he started to suck out the life Energy from the fallen angel unlike Lavinia who had a known amount of life Energy due to her being human it was unknown how much and long because the fallen angels have lived since the beginning of the great war.

Kara started to suck out Baraquiel's life Energy as he struggled to escape Kara's grasp Team Slashdog and the others tried to stop Kara but they were ambushed by more demons who stopped them at every step Tobio and Shuzaku were most annoyed by this as they wanted to fight Kara to save Baraquiel moments later Baraquiel was nothing but a husk of his former self Kara had sucked out his life Energy completely he was barely alive with only a few life force remaining in his body he looked at Kara in fear his time had come.

Azazel(Baraquiel....)Spoke weakly while severe Difficulty in managing to knock and destroy some of the battle demons who disappeared after being eliminated

Kara(You fought well now if you may we will be dealing with the others.....)Kara walked away he turned his attention to Azazel who was ready with multiple light spears he hated that he didn't have Downfall Dragon Spear right now However Kara was suddenly ambushed by Tobio who attacked him from the left side as he shouted with tears in his eyes

Tobio(You bastard! How many more will you kill?!)Tobio Summoned a scythe using Jin which was the Avatar version of Cannis Lykon, Tobio was proficient in Scythe usage as he flung his scythe towards Kara who blocked his whole body with his Telekinesis with his scythe hitting his face.

Kara(I must admit you are good with a scythe unfortunately....*Kara walked closer to Tobio who glared at him as he continued*You are weak if your body is unable to move)

However, Jin bit through his arm making him grunt in pain Tobio was released from his restraints and started to attack him with his Shadow scythe with one hand can't move by Jin and the other one Despite this Kara was an excellent Duelist he used his skills to block most of the strikes but without his second hand he wasn't good Tobio managed to disarm him and bring him to his Knees as Azazel started to approach him after dealing with the battle demons they were ready to kill him for what he did. However unknown to anyone Kara was Feigning the situation of his defeat

Azazel(Any last words)Azazel spoke in a cold tone he was going to Avenge Baraquiel's Defeat at his hands

Kara(Just a few PULL IT OUT OF THE SKY!!!!!)Shouted the last part as Several bombs were right above them Azazel and Tobio were shocked they tried to eliminate him but it was too late Kara was suddenly glowing a bright blue color and he and the demonic army along with his weapon had disappeared.

The bombs had resulted in massive explosions throughout Grigori taking the lives of several others along with injuring and critically injuring many more however the one that died was someone unfortunate for the factions.

Solace(The Eternal Legacy of Light)Danny x IrinaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ