Chapter 6 - waiting for the right one..

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Koda hated going home, it was a bane of her existence but eventually she would have to turn up. So Poppy dropped her off.

With a deep breath Koda started to the door which opened before she even crossed half the yard. "Where were you?" Her mom demanded, hands planted firmly on her hips. To most it would sound like a concerned mother but Koda knew better then to think that. "I was at a party." She didn't see any use in lying about her whereabouts.

"Well did you eat anything?" The woman demanded but she seemed less tense then before. With a roll of her eyes, luckily hidden by the night, Koda replied. "Nope, not a thing."

"At least your good for something, get your ass inside!" She moved out of the doorway, walking into the house more. Koda stared at the empty archway, debating momentarily what to do. Sighing she walked in with her head low, at least tomorrow she would be out again on the waves. "Also, Molly called and you have  photoshoot at Byron Bay coming up." Abigail told her daughter. Kods frowning at that. "Don't worry it won't mess up your stupid little surfing thing."

"It's Nationals, it's not stupid it's important." She grumbled under her breath as she closed the door.

The next morning, Koda woke up early and threw on some clothes as she rushed out the door. She looked forward to today, surfing and being with the team. She started her walk towrads the beach, Poppy wouldn't be able to pick her up today but Koda was glad her best friend could carry her board there for her. So that was one less thing the girl had to carry to make the walk enjoyable.

"Hey there." A voice called behind her, the sound of a bike getting closer. She looked over her shoulder to see the pink haired boy grinning at her. "Hi." Her smile was soft, edging on timid but she wasn't afraid of him..she didn't think he was the type of guy anyone could be scared of.

Pulling off to the side some, slowing down to where he fell into pace with her. "Where you going?" He questioned, swerving side to side. "I'm assuming the same place you are." She laughed a bit at that. He now fully stopped the bike, looking at her like she was insane.

"You are going to walk eight miles just to work out again with surfing?" He asked her, a pink tint crossing Koda's face. "I know shortcuts. I'll be okay." She reassured him as she started back the trek, not wanting to be late.

"Let me give you a ride, jump on little bear." He gestured to the spokes on the back wheel. Koda looked unsure before looking towards him,  his face while he wore his usual smirk had a gentle look to it. Biting the inside of her lip she finally moved to get on the spokes. Her arms wrapping loosely around his shoulders.

He couldn't help the smile that filled his face as he started peddling, for once a small blush crossing his face. Normally he wasn't the type to get attached to a girl so easily. Yet here Koda was, he barely knew her and she seemed so shy around him, yet she had a hold on him. It was enchanting and terrifying. 

He glanced over his shoulder to see her eyes closed as she just felt the wind against her face, hitting a bump, the girls hold on him tightened and her head went down against his neck. Baxter chuckled softly. "You're okay, I won't let anything bad happen to you." He promised.

They finally reached the beach, Baxter offering a hand back to help her off. The sound of the waves calling to the two hearts. So they started the decent down the sandy hill, holding each other's hand for support as she started laughing when Baxter slipped.

He chuckled as well, his eyes turning up to look at her. She has seemed to come along way from the girl who almost fell off a short garden bench because he frightened her.

With a smirk on his face, he grabbed her leg pulling it out from under her. Bringing her to the ground with him, a small groan left her from hitting the group but she soon started laughing again. Baxter turning to look at her with a smile. Their faces close together and the tender look he was giving her almost got her walls completely down.

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