Chapter 7 - said questionable man

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Koda wasn't a fan the attention she was getting from her friends just because Baxter was giving her attention. Koda felt awkward by the accusations that where thrown her way by being so close to the pink haired boy.

Could summer and Poppy be right, was Baxter really into her? Did he truly look at her in someway that those around saw something that she was failing to take note of.

First was the guys. The first wave of that day was Baxter's, the boy moving swiftly to catch it. Koda pulling herself from her thoughts to give a sportive clap. Once he was up he started off with a top turn. "Heat one of the under eighteen boys and we are frothing!" The announcer said over the loudspeakers. Baxter pulling off a very impressive air reverse. Marlon and Griff still waiting for a wave.

"Come on Mars.."  Koda whispered as she crossed her arms, Poppy and Summer still close to her side. Poppy looked towards her before back out at the waves. She knew Koda and Marlon where in the same situation, subs who are longing for the chance to show that they are more then that.

"Levins, in yellow, the charger from Cronulla finds his line. Oh! How is this kid still getting better?!" The announcer asked as Levins did a perfect top turn. The crowd cheering for the boy.

Baxter found another opportunity, paddling forward. "And Bax Radic wants a piece of the action. Big lay back snap!" The announcer praised the maneuver he pulled off. "Sousa and Temple just being outgunned right now. Levins and Radic through to the quarters..but it's still close."

"Come on boys!" Koda shouted, hands cupped around her mouth to project the words. While she was cheering for team Victoria, she mostly cheered for Baxter and Marlon. She paced slightly as she chewed her nail, she was aware that Baxter was safe but Marlon wasn't able to catch much out there.

"Well, a bunch of new swimwear's just come through, so I'm pitching a few up-and-comers for a Byron shoot." Molly from Subtropix told Bodhi. "I'm think you, Koda, Poppy maybe--" a huge smile crossed Bodhi's face. "Are you kidding? That sounds incredible. I'd love to get some action shots for my socials."
"Action shots?" The woman asked with some confusion in her voice.

"I made the State team, obviously, and I've been working on more explosive manoeuvres." Bodhi explained, her smile slowly starting to fade. "Uh... look if you're wanting us to pivot and push you as more of a performance surfer, that means better results in comps like this." That returned the smile to Bodhi's face that she wasn't being instantly shut down.  "I know. And that's why I've been putting the work in. I promise the results will follow."

"Our local boys really feeling the squeeze today. Couple of minutes left in this heat. Tommy Ahmed really needs a complete ride." The announcer said, Ahmed finally getting to his feet on a wave. "And yellow up. Needs a big score here. Oh! But it won't be that one!" Ahmed did a great top turn before wiping out.

Koda looked distressed so she turned away from the water, she walked more inland and stood by Summer, leaning back against the railing. "It's hard to watch." She said with a sigh at Griff, Marlon and Tommy's performance as each tried but didn't succeed the way Baxter did. Summer nods her head in understanding, patting the top of her head. "It's just the first heat, things will get better." She said, doing her best to comfort the slightly younger girl. "I hope so " Koda sighed softly at that.

"Look, the issue is, mate, Blu Gravity already has a pretty stacked roster in Victoria." The sponsor told Ari who stood by Wren. 'Yeah. Yeah,  no. Uh..fair enough." Ari replied, he was a chill guy not one for arguing but it also made him easy to walk over.

Wren stepped into the conversation. "Loopy. Come on. Are you seriously gonna risk losing Ari to another sponsor? I mean, out of the guys he's the best junior surfer in the state. And he's about to blow Nationals wide open." She told the woman, Loopy, to defend her boyfriend. Loopy looked at him. "He is getting some pretty good PR."

Rebel and the reason (Baxter Radic )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon