Chapter one - The adventure

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First stop on Koda's day was the Gibson household, that's where Miko will be staying while she is away. Koda trusts the Gibsons and always has. The day was warm with a soft breeze which made her walk a pleasant one but she was mainly happy to be out of the house and alone with her pup by her side.

Koda tilted her head up, the sunlight shining against her face and making her soft tan skin seem even more tan. That's one thing she wished she got from her father, the nice tan skin but at least she had his eyes.

She finally saw the house, the car parked in the drive so she knew that they were home. She crossed the rest of the path to the door, knocking gently on it. Ari came to the door, a smile on his face when he saw her through the window.

"Hey blondie." Koda said with a lopsided grin as he finally opened the door for her, the boy chuckling some, shaking his head at the teasing tone in her soft voice. "Hey Koda." His eyes flickered down towards the dog and his smile widened as he dropped into a crouch, petting behind the pup's ears. "Hi Miko, how are you buddy? Ready to stay with us?" He asked the dog like he was actually waiting for a response. Koda chuckled softly at that, Ari turning his blue eyes back up to her. "Don't worry I'll take good care of him, better then I helped show Summer around," He promised her.

Summer Torres was from America, she came there for the summer due to her mom having to go out of country for a job. The Shorehaven group grew to be fond of the wild, fun girl.

Koda smiled at that. "I'm sure you will do great. I trust you Ari." She told him with full certainty as she passed him Miko's leash. Ari knew that leaving the pup behind was hard on the girl, as was leaving the people she trusted in Australia while she was in America.

Ari stood back up and looked at her, he can't believe she was making it as some hot-shot, up and coming model. He was honestly pretty proud of her.

He reached over and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Once you become rich and famous don't forget about us, yeah?" He joked but in a way he did mean it. He didn't want to lose his friend. A soft chuckle left her lips. "I could never forget you all, you are all so annoying." She replied with love for her friends as she gently pushed his shoulder.

Ari smiled at her teasing words, he knew that teasing was how she showed that she cared. "And if you happen to hear fro-" but Koda cut him off with a smile and a gentle roll of her eyes. "If I hear from Summer I'll mention you and ask why she hasn't called, don't worry Ar, I got you." He smiled more and nods his head, blonde hair falling forward. "You're the best." He told her with his lopsided smile, Koda flipping dark hair over her shoulder as she held herself up straighter. "I know I am." She cracked a grin as she looked at him. "It's been seven months since she left and school started back up, so maybe she just needs a little bit of time to get things in order still." Koda said to add some comfort for him. She knew it was a long shot but maybe it was true.

Koda knew how much Ari liked her and she was hoping for the best because she cared deeply for Ari and Summer alike. "I can't believe you're going to be in America for five months."
"I know, when I make it back for Nationals, I hope I don't fail. I'm going to be jet lagged when I get back and it can supposedly last from days to weeks." Koda said in slight distress at the idea of that, she wanted to be able to compete in Nationals and if her modeling career screwed that up for her the girl will be livid. Ari pulled her into a tight hug. "You'll do just fine Kods, you'll have all of us supporting you." He promised her.

"You know, it's not to late to join me, Poppy and Marlon for a early morning surf." Koda tried to prod him into coming with them. "Nah, I got some stuff to finish up here plus those two don't like sharing their best mate. You go have fun." Ari told her, rubbing her back slightly before letting her go. A small chuckle leaving her lips.

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