chapter 5 - the party of all parties...

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Koda was gathering her things, putting her water bottle back in her bag when she heard someone walking up behind her. Tilting her head to the side to see over her shoulder she noticed it was Baxter.

She turned to face him as she slung the bag over her shoulder, eyes turning up to met his. "Yes?" She inquired curiously, head cocking to the side slightly. The boy offering her a charming grin. "So, Little Bear, what are you up to later?"

He was intrigued by the quiet girl who held no fear or hard feelings for a shark that bite her,  who was ready to fight for her friends.

"Little bear?" She questioned with a slight huff of a laugh. Baxter chuckling as well. "Koda means little bear, does it not?" She paused for a moment, realizing that he was correct. "Fair enough. I'm going with Summer, hanging out. Why do you ask?"

"I dunno, thinking that we could possibly hang out. I got a good feeling about you and I." Baxter said with a smirk decorating his face as she arched a brow. "Is that right?"

"Yeah, but I suppose I'll see you around little bear, when we meet again." His voice held a playful tone as he walked out the door to where Wren and Elo were waiting for him in the car.

Koda looking after him. That's when Summer walked up beside her, placing her arm on her shoulder, her eyes following Koda's gaze. "You got a little crush Koda bear?" She asked, turning her head to look at her now.

A dark blush filled the girl's face.  "No I don't. Don't embarrass me Sum." She said with a soft smile falling across her face. "Mm-hm whatever you say." Summer enjoyed teasing the girl, she knew finding little things could cause the girl's face to turn red. "Let's go lover girl." Summer tugged her arm to get her to follow, earning a disapproving looking for Koda.

Summer was following after Margot, carrying a propane tank. Koda not that far behind, she had a tendency when at someone's house to follow them around, not wanting to linger awkwardly where she was left.

"Ma, come on, we can't let this house go to waste." She said in a nearing desperate manner. The older woman opening the back door for her. "I said no parties."

"Okay, not a party. A team bonding. Come om, it's exactly what we spoke about with Dr. Cross-"developing healthy relationships with like minded peers." Ooh!" Summer exclaimed at the end, dropping the propane. "Careful." Margot told her as Summer picked the tank back up.

Koda gave her a look. "Summy, you know if that had a crack a drop could result in boom, right?"  Summer just gave her a charming smile, one causing the other girl to roll her dark eyes, before turning back to her mom.

"So, permission granted?" Summer asked with a smile once they reached the grill. Margot signed softly. "Well, Abbie did invite me for drinks. But I feel like they're trying to set me up with one of their tattooed tradie mates,"

"Ay! Get it, Ma!" Summer said happily. Margot casting her daughter a slight look and Koda laughing softly with a shake of her head. "I mean, you're more than welcome to stay if you want. You could be the Salad Queen to my Grill Master." She said as she clicked the tongs together.

"Nightmare." Was Margot simply reply before laughing slightly. "Do you even know how to barbecue?" She looked at Summer, who was flipping the tongs in the air and catching them. "Yeah. I mean, how hard can it be?" She laughed slightly. "Very hard if you don't know what you are doing." Koda replied.

Margot finished hooking up the propane. "Alright. Keep everything outside. No glasses by the pool. And no shenanigans." She laid down the rules for the get together. "Ma, I'm a legit athlete now. My body is my temple. Love you, ma!" Summer said. "That means Koda, you are my Salad Queen." Summer sent the girl a joking wink before  walking away to get other things ready and to inform the others.

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