"Rin, I got him! Now use this his feet to—yeouch!—light the seed on fire!"

I tried to do so, but the kid kept kicking. The longer we held onto him, the more angry he got. Through a stroke of luck, his foot slammed at the perfect time and hit the seed. Soon thereafter, a fire started.

"Um, I got it! I'm gonna go now," I announced, making my exit. I turned back at him. "You'll be fine, right?"

He gave me a reassuring grin. "Of course! I have it under all contro—hot!"

He got kicked by the boy's flaming foot again, this time burning his cape. I'm sure he'd be fine which is why I left him to deal with the kid.

As I scurried downstairs, I was surprised to find it empty. There was nobody around. Not that I'm complaining; it'll make this fire-starting situation easier for me. There were a bunch of random doors though, which I had to peek inside to find the medical supply closet. After a few doors, I felt the fire traveling closer to my fingertips as it scorched the seed. The smoke was beginning to sizzle my eyes too.

I finally found the medical supplies after opening and shutting 4 doors and quickly grabbed as much rubbing alcohol that I could hold. Running back out, I emptied every single bottle on the carpet and the walls, the smell burning my nose hairs. Then distancing myself so I wouldn't get burnt to a crisp, I threw the seed on the alcohol puddle. A fire broke out as expected, and it began to spread thanks to the alcohol. Now all I have to do is wait for the sprinklers to activate, and get out of here before it gets worse.

Reaching into my pocket, I was about to put the radio back on and inform Mitsume when I fell forward and slammed my stomach on the floor, dropping it. I peeked over my shoulder to see Furutani, whose foot stood on my shadow. I couldn't see her eyes through the tangled mess of bangs, but I knew she was staring at me. A hot feeling flared up in my chest seeing the shadowy villain. I had the sudden urge to charge at her with everything I got.

Thump... Thump... Thump...

"What...do you think you're doing..?" she rasped. She slid her foot back, making me inch towards her. Meanwhile, I tried to break free.

"Trying to stop your plan." I replied. "I knew you weren't against attacking innocent people but attacking a hospital? Drugging patients? And kids? That's just messed up."

She ignored me and dragged me to her. Now I was directly underneath, and I was able to see a single, weary eyeball under all her hair. "Crimson Eclipse's been experimenting with a drug...one that can cause its user...to lose their senses, to attack anything that moves. It is very dangerous so that's why...they decided to test its prototype here. It's all so they...can make the Leftovers, the weak ones, useful...so they say..."

I hardened my gaze and told her that I didn't get why she was acting like she wasn't like them. That's when she told me that she wasn't. I scoffed at her comment, and she shook her head.

"Don't you see? Everyone...grunts, admins, Kiyoshi...they all wear red because they believe in Crimson Eclipse's philosophy. I don't."

"Ok? Why are you with them then?" I questioned.

"Someone that I... They said they could..." She stopped. All she did was stare at me with her single eyeball. After some silence, she spoke. "When it happens, nobody won't be able to do anything. There'll be no heroes, no rescue...and when Crimson Eclipse have what they need...they won't be stopped."

"I'm over with these cryptic speeches. Just leave me alone!"

Pulling out the pen, it turned into a boomerang and I chucked it at her face. It hit her straight on and electrocuted her for extra damage. I kicked her shins as hard as I could, making her trip. That gave me the chance to scurry away. Catching the boomerang that flew back, I was about to flee when I stopped.

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