The Date

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Zoey's POV

It was time for Gwen and I's date. I was dressed in a dark red lacy dress and I paired that with black heels. I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs where I saw my parents cuddled on the couch and Emily on the chair.

"Hey kiddo, where are you going?" my dad asked.
"I am uh going out with friends. I will also be staying the night with them if that is ok."
"What friends?" Emily mouthed to me.

I flipped her off.

"Ok honey be safe. We love you!" my mom said.

"I love you more!" I said before I left out the front door.

I made my way over to Gwen's house and walked up her porch steps. I stood in front of her door like an idiot, overthinking tonight.

Was this the right choice? Should I go back home? Do I look good enough?

The front door opened, interrupting my thoughts.

"H-Hey," I greeted Gwen while looking her up and down.

She was wearing a short black dress with black heels. She looked absolutely perfect.

"Hello darling, I almost thought you were going to go back home. You look stunning by the way."
I blushed and said, "Y-You look gorgeous."
"Thank you my love. Are you ready to go?"
I just nodded my head.
Gwennie grabbed her purse and keys before sticking her hand out for me to grab. I interlaced our fingers and she walked us to her car.

For some reason, I felt as though someone was watching us. I checked my surroundings, but saw nothing so I shrugged it off.

Gwen opened the passenger side door for me and I got in.

Before closing the door she said to me, "Aren't you a cute passenger princess."
My jaw dropped. It was pretty much on the floor. Where did she learn that from?

She got in on her side and closed the door. She looked over at me and saw my reaction to what she had said and a smirk began to form on her face.

"Want to play some music off your phone?" Gwen asked.

I connected my phone to her car as she began to drive off. The first song that played from my playlist was My Love Mine All Mine by Mitski. As soon as I heard the lyrics, I began to sing along.

"Wow... you are a terrible singer," Gwen said.

I decided to mess with her by acting like I was really upset. I stuck my bottom lip out and made it quiver before placing my head in my hands. Fake sobs came out of my body and that is when Gwen turned her head.

"Oh my love, I was only kidding," she said, "I am sorry if I have hurt your feelings."

She put her hand on my thigh and began to rub slow circles on it. I couldn't take it any longer and I burst out laughing.

She gave me a look and said, "Really love?"
"Yup now eyes on the road Ms. Christie."

I looked out the window and felt off about the car behind us. It has been following us for a while now.

"Gwennie, that car has been following us for a while now," I stated.

She looked through the rear view mirror and saw the car.

"Hmm, maybe they are just going in the same direction as us. Don't fret too much about it darling."

"So where are we going?"
"I told you it was a surprise."
"How long until we get there?" I asked.

That made Gwen give me a look that instantly made me shut up.

Another 15 minutes go by and that car is still behind us.

"Gwennie," I whined.

"What pretty girl?"
"That car is still behind us."
"No it isn't," Gwen said.
I turned around and it really wasn't behind us.

What the hell?!

Just then we pulled into the parking lot of a fancy ass restaurant.

Gwen parked and jumped out. I looked at her confused then realized she was opening my door.

"Thank you kind gentlewoman," I said as she opened the door.

"You are very welcome my lady," she said as she took my hand and gave it a kiss.

We got inside the restaurant and the host greeted us at the door.

"Hello, do you have a reservation for today?"

"Yes, it should be under Christie," Gwen replied.

"Of course, right this way."
The host guided us to a booth hidden in the corner and gave us a menu.

"Your waiter will be with you shortly," she said as she turned around to walk back to her spot up front.

The waiter came up to us and asked, "What will you ladies be having to drink?"
"Champagne please," Gwen said.

"I will get that for you."
We looked at our menus and I tried to find something cheap to get. I did not have a lot of money on me.

The waiter brought back the champagne and he asked, "Are you ready to place your orders?"
"Uh yes I will have the filet mignon with asparagus please," Gwen said.

"And you?" he turned to me.

"Um I will have the garden salad."
"No she won't. She will have the same as me," Gwen said.

"Ok I will get that going for you."
As the waiter walked away I whisper-yelled to Gwen, "Babe, I don't have a lot of money on me."
"That is why I am paying beautiful."


"That is what I thought, now be a good girl and behave the rest of the night. Let me take care of you," Gwen said before taking a sip of her wine.

We sat there waiting on our food, small talk happening here and there. I felt like I was being watched again, so every five seconds I would scan the room.

"What's wrong, my love?" Gwen asked.

"I feel like we are being watched."
"Do you wish to leave?"
"No no it is fine, it is probably just my anxiety."

Our food arrived and we dug in. It tasted so good and I am glad Gwen made me get this instead of the garden salad.

"Is it good?" Gwen questioned.

"Oh my yes it is really good!"

We finished and got a slice of red velvet cake to split. The sweetness of the buttercream and the richness of the cake was to die for.

"Zoey, you mean the world to me. I have known you all of your life and yet I never would have expected this to happen. My feelings for you are deep. That is why I am asking you to be my girlfriend."


"You don't have to say yes, but just think about it," Gwen said.

"I don't even have to think about it babe! Of course I will be your girlfriend!" I exclaimed.

I jumped out of my seat and wrapped my arms around her in a big hug. Our lips met in a perfect and synchronized kiss. Claps erupted around us and a blush was painted across my cheeks.

"Wanna get out of here?" Gwen asked.

"Hell yes!"

We paid our bill and headed back to her place.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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