Keep It Cool

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Zoey's POV
My mom and Emily were getting dinner ready for our weekly get together with Gwen. She lived by herself and my mom didn't want her to be lonely, so we started these dinners a few years ago. My dad only made it to a few of them, but as I've gotten older it didn't bother me as much. He tried, but his stupid job always got in the way.
I heard the doorbell ring and my mom yelled at me to get the door. I got off the couch and opened the door.
"Gwennie!" I screamed as I jumped on her, giving her a big hug.
"Zo!" Gwen screamed back with the same amount of energy while hugging me back and twirling us in circles.
"Stop, I'm getting dizzy," I told her and she put me down almost instantly.
"I'm sorry darling," she said while placing her hands on both my cheeks and rubbing her thumbs in circles.
I blushed. Hard. I hope she didn't notice it, but there is always a chance that she did.
We walked into the kitchen and Emily smirked at me. I gave her a 'shut the fuck up' look and went to set the table.
"Would you like a glass of wine?" my mom asked Gwennie.
"Yes please, Jen," she replied.
My mom poured her a glass and she went to sit at her spot at the table. Yes, she had her own spot so what?
"Look at you being a good girl and helping your mom out," Gwen said to me.
I froze and blushed. I tried to avoid eye contact otherwise I would have been caught freaking out.
"Dinner is served," my mom said as she walked in with a pot of spaghetti.
My sister was carrying garlic bread and a bowl of freshly grated parmesan cheese.
My spot was always next to Gwen no matter where we went. I sat down next to her and I could feel her staring at me, but I chose to ignore it.
Everyone got what they wanted on their plate and started eating. Light conversation was made, but I was quiet. Gwen's comment from earlier was still stuck in my head. She said I was a good girl. OMG!!
Gwennie broke me out of my thoughts with a question,"So Zoey, do you have a girlfriend yet?"
"Umm n-no I don't, b-but I have my eyes on someone," I said finally making eye contact with her.
I saw a hint of a sparkle in her eyes and her shoulders relaxed as if she was relieved, but I didn't think anything of it.
"You'll have to tell me more about it later," Gwen said with a wink.
God, can this woman stop making me blush. Emily was giving me a smirk from across the table. For the second time today I gave her the 'shut the fuck up' look.
We all finished and my mom and Emily headed to the living room leaving me and Gwen with the dishes. It was our day to do them and I always looked forward to getting a chance alone with her.
"Zoey, are you ready to get these done or are you going to stare off into space the whole time?" Gwen asked.
"Sorry, I was just thinking about something," I replied.
"Let me guess, that crush of yours?" she questioned.
"Yeah," I said.
"Are you going to tell me who it is?" she asked.
"Umm-" I was cut off by Gwen.
"You don't have to if you don't want to, I just thought you wanted to talk about it," she said.
Why is she so sweet?!
"No it's just I-I am not ready to tell anyone yet. It is still pretty n-new and I don't know if the crush is going to last," I replied.
After we finished the dishes, we joined my mom and Emily in the living room where they put on a movie. We always watch a movie after dinner with Gwen.
"What are we going to watch?" my mom asked.
"Zoey please don't say Carol," Emily begged.
"What's Carol?" Gwen asked.
"How the hell have you not watched Carol?!" I yelled.
"Language Zoey," my mom said.
"It is one of the best lesbian movies I've ever seen in my life!" I exclaimed, "We are so watching it now."
Emily stuck her tongue out at me and I stuck mine out at her.
My mom put on the movie and I cuddled up next to Gwennie who then put her arm around me.
We were half way through the movie when it got to the sex scene part in the hotel between Carol and Therese. I blushed and sunk under the blanket. My mom covered Emily's eyes and Gwen covered mine.
"Hey! I've seen this a million times and I am an adult, so I can watch it if I want," I said.
"Don't give me attitude little girl," Gwen whispered in my ear as she removed her hands from my eyes, the sex scene being over before she uncovered her hands.
Holy shit, this woman does unspeakable things to me.
I don't remember much after that, but all I know is I fell asleep with my head on Gwen's shoulder.

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