Chapter 3 - New faces

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Last time on The Walking Dead; Edd and Matt are on the road for an escape, trying to get all they can until the city is cleared to return for their dear friend Tom. But Edd was close to death when he made a mistake with the walker in the station, leaving him and Matt’s heart thumping in fear. They soon decided to turn back and start their search for Tom.


I sat down by a building to catch my breath, shifting uncomfortably in pain. “Fuck, this town is bigger than I remember.” I grumbled, looking over all the graffiti on the walls. I jumped, hearing boots approaching, quickly moving behind a dustbin to hide. A group of three men came walking through, all of them holding a large gun as they scanned the perimeter. I sighed in relief, seeing living people, slowly moving out with my hands raised to not pose a threat. The lady with them quickly turned to me in panic, before lowering her gun in relief. “Hey, Doyle. We got another survivor.” She called out, approaching me slowly as the other two guys turned their attention to us. “Howdy.” She grinned, extending her hand to me. I took it, shaking her hand. Usually, I wasn’t the kind to exchange physical contact in any way, but this was an exception. “Hey….” I muttered, my voice croaked and drained to hell. “You from around here?” The guy who I assume Doyle asked, resting his gun in his arms. “Yeah…. I uh…. Just woke up.” I sighed, thankful they seemed friendly. 

“Just woke up? Well shit! You don’t know how long this has been going, do ya?” The girl chuckled, putting an arm around my shoulder playfully. I shook my head in response, her smile growing. “The only date I’ve seen is January….” I muttered, watching her whistle. “Bad news, buddy, it’s currently June.” She giggled, hitting me like a brick with her words. “….shit.” I muttered, staring down at the ground. “What’s your name, stranger?” She asked, trying to get my attention back to her. “…. Tom.” 

“Ah. The big boss guy over there is Doyle, and the other guy is Huxley, but we just call him Hux. Mine is Leah.” She patted my back, pulling me closer to the other two males. “Are you heading anywhere, Tom?” She raised a brow, trying to keep the conversation going. “Well, … I was heading for my home….. Where my friends are…. If it’s been that long, they probably aren’t there…. But there are things I could still get…” I explained, not wanting to go too far in detail. “You can come with us, it’s not safe being alone out here. Especially unarmed.” Huxley spoke up finally, his voice completely monotone. “I would accept your offer, but…. I don’t remember where it’s even at or how to get there from here.” I sighed, watching them exchange glances. 

“Why don’t you come back to base with us? Get you up in shape, then we can head out exploring in the morning. We have to patrol around here all the time anyway.” Doyle offered, shifting uncomfortably in his swat uniform. I nodded, watching Leah grin brightly as she dragged me along with them. “Awaaaaaay we go!” She cheered with a laugh, the three of us rolling our eyes. 


They allowed me a bed in the giant hotel they were stationed at, giving me the entire room to myself as I got some rest. I perked up to a knock at my door, opening it to see Leah holding a tray. “Got you something to eat and drink. You look like shit, so figured you feel it too.” She giggled. I stepped aside, letting her in, watching her place it on the counter. “Thank you.” I muttered, watching her look around the room for a moment.

“So where’d you wake up?” She asked enthusiastically, sinking into one of the counter chairs. I closed the door, walking over, honestly eager to get something to eat. “Hospital. An accident occurred at one of the bars and got me put in there. I don’t have any memory of anything else.” I explained, wasting no time to get some bites of the porridge and soup she supplied me. “Damn, then you must not have eaten in a long ass time. I’m surprised you're still alive.” 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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