The red-haired lackey trembled with fear, noticing that no matter where he hid, the statues surrounded him. And the two players who were once a couple around him at this moment were unwilling to cooperate, refusing even to discuss teamwork, unwittingly trapping themselves among the statues.

"What the hell should we do?!"

The red-haired lackey turned, only to be met with the fierce visage of a statue, enough to make him want to cry.

At that moment, a hand suddenly rested on the statue's shoulder.

The hand appeared delicate and slender, yet the moment it lightly touched the statue, it seemed as though the entire figure shuddered, as if it might crack from the slightest movement.

In that instant, even the lackey felt a semblance of human-like fear creeping onto the statue's face.

"Are you guys alright?" Gu Wuji leaned in, looking at the three stunned players, then glancing at the statue beside them. "You know, I've dealt with similar emotional issues in statues before, I think you might need my help."

The statue couldn't help but tremble; if it could move freely like a human, it would surely be shaking its head like mad by now.

But it couldn't, so Gu Wuji simply applied his Purification Spell directly, immediately witnessing the statue's resentment...

"You seem to be quite concerned about not being as handsome as the others who were carved," Gu Wuji said after opening his eyes. "After all, the surrounding statues are all good-looking, which makes you unpopular in this place."

The other three players were completely bewildered; they couldn't make heads or tails of what Gu Wuji was saying. How on earth was he communicating with the statue?! So, this was the expert?

The statue before Gu Wuji suddenly froze, as if struck by the truth, its entire form resembling a wilted eggplant.

"It's okay," Gu Wuji said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a kitchen knife. "Let me help you, even though I've never done anything like carving before..."

At that moment, everyone witnessed the statue struggling to nod its head! It was as if it was terrified to the extreme by this revelation.

Not only this statue, but others also began to retreat, hiding in the distance as if they were just ordinary statues, afraid that Gu Wuji might also try to help them with something.

The crisis was resolved just like that, leaving everyone momentarily stunned.

"It seems that what matters most to the statues in this room is still their appearance," Gu Wuji mused, "and from what I can gather from their memories, they don't seem to have any human-like traits; they are indeed just statues with their own will."

Gu Wuji finally released the statue in front of him. After all, he was afraid of accidentally disfiguring someone.

"What are you all standing around for? Hurry up and find me information about the main storyline!" Rong Qingman turned to the other players without courtesy.

The other players immediately started searching other parts of the room, while only the red-haired follower cautiously approached Gu Wuji and whispered, "Brother Sun, I have something to tell you about Big Brother."

"Oh?" Gu Wuji said, "Go ahead."

"In fact, Big Brother has a habit of sleep talking at night." The red-haired follower's face was sweating coldly. "So he has already blurted out everything he knows, and he still thinks this world is a painted world... I don't know if it's true or not."

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