Chapter 13 - The Big Boss

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"Hi Dad," Charlie answers the phone. Quin can't make out what's being said on the other end. "You know where I am dad. I've told you before." She sounds upset. "I told you when you called me five months ago? Or did you not listen."

Quin can't keep himself from letting out a sigh. From the sounds of things, Charlie's dad is neglectful, just like his own. His dad is still alive, probably. Quin doesn't know, he hasn't gone looking for him. He wasn't even there when Quin died in that hospital bed.

"Well, I'm actually running a hotel to rehabilitate sinners. Maybe you saw our commercial?" She says with hope. Sadly, her face drops. "Listen, Dad, I've got, kind of a big ask." She waits for his reply. "I need to speak to heaven. Well, whoever's in charge up there, above Adam, above anybody."

Even from Quin's distance, he can hear Lucifer saying no repeatedly. Charlie seems to be getting pissed. "Look, Dad, I don't ask you for much. I never have. But this, this is really important to me. It's the most important thing I've ever done. And... I need you. I need your help." Quin smiles. Spoken beautifully.

"Please! Just, come see what I'm trying to do," Charlie pleads. "You'll see it's a really good idea, and heaven is bound to agree if I get the chance to talk to them. Please, Dad."

She hangs up the phone with a smile. "Well, we have an hour until he gets here."

"Okay people, Lucifer is on his way. So we are going to get this place presentable and we are all going to make an amazing impression! Vamonos!" Vaggie calls out as everyone but Husker runs off to start preparing for his arrival.


Quin is dressed up in his least slutty outfit. Niffty and Sir Pentious baked cookies, as well as she cleaned the place up a bit. Alastor actually shows up, which surprises Quin a bit. The man seems to be absent most of the time. Both Razzle and Dazzle, Charlie's pet goat-dragon-things, hang up a sign that says "Wellcum Daddy".

"Alright everyone, it's showtime!" Charlie says as she opens the door.

"Charlie!" Lucifer, the big boss of hell himself, is rather, uh, underwhelming. He's much shorter than Quin had expected. He's got a nice suit, though.

"Hey Da-" Charlie is interrupted by Lucifer hugging her.

"Oh it's so good to see you!" He laughs as he squeezes her tightly.

"It's uh good to see you too, Dad," Charlie sounds like the life is being squeezed out of her. Poor girl.

After he lets her go, she takes a moment to catch her breath. "Welcome, to the Hazbin Hotel!" Sir Pentious' egg boys fire off confetti cannons. Everyone smiles.

Keekee, an adorable cat like creature, wraps themselves around Lucifer's leg. "Oh hey-wo Keekee!" He looks like a child. This is, interesting. So he's the big ol boss, this guy right here? "Razzle, Dazzle," he starts to, dance, with them? "Oh look how much you haven't grown! Still fun sized. You taking care of wittle girl?" He gets very close to them. "You better be." His voice sounds ominous. Then, of course, he snickers like a kid.

"Wow, this place sure looks, uh... Uh-huh, yeah, uh-huh, it's got a lot of character." Lucifer walks around, clearly a little displeased despite his efforts to hide it. "OH! What in the unholy hell is that?!" He motions to the bar with a look of disgust. Charlie looks upset.

"Just some of the renovations we had done," Alastor fades up from the shadows. "Adds a bit of color, don't you think?"

"And you are?" Lucifer seems displeased. Wow, what the fuck is this dude's problem?

Alastor disappears into the shadows only to reappear directly behind Lucifer. "Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you sir, quite a pleasure." He shakes Lucifer's cane aggressively only to wipe his hand off on his own suit, as if touching anything of Lucifer's was unpleasant. "It's nice to finally put a face to the name. You are much shorter in real life."

"Who is this? Who is this now? Are you the bellhop?" Lucifer asks, again with that face of disgust.

"Haha, no! I am the host of the hotel. You might have heard of me from my radio broadcast," Alastor was being fairly polite, despite Lucifer's plain disregard for respect.

"Hmm, nope! Guess that's why Charlie called it the 'Hazbin' Hotel!" He laughs at his own joke, although no one else is.

"Ha ha ha!" Alastor laughs sarcastically. "It was actually my idea."

"Ha ha hA!" He laughs sarcastically back. "Well, it's not very clever!"

"Ha HA, fuck you." Alastor gets very close to Lucifer's face.

Charlie pushes them away from each other. "Okay! Okay. Anyway." Charlie starts to show Lucifer around when Quin turns to Niffty.

"This what you were expecting?" Quin whispers.

"No! Not at all! He's so lame," Niffty whisper-yells back. The group lets out a small chuckle.

"Charlie, dear! Why don't you introduce me to your other friends!" Lucifer practically yells.

"Oh, yes. Of course!" She walks over to Vaggie. "This is Vaggie. She's my girlfriend."

"Ho ho my golly! You like girls? So do I! We have so much in common!" Lucifer seems so excited. He really didn't know that about his own daughter? Yeah. Definitely reminds me of my own father. "You put er there Maggie!" He pulls Vaggie in for a hug. I can't believe this dude. "She's so pretty."

"Uh, lovely to meet you, uh, sir," Vaggie just seems grateful that he didn't respond negatively.

"And this is Sir Pentious, Quin, and Angel Dust, our guests!" Charlie cheerfully shows him her friends.

"Your Majesty!" Sir Pentious immediately stands at attention. Angel has been trying to steal a cookie this entire time, and while Sir Pentious is standing at attention, he's finally able to grab one.

"Heyya, short king," Angel smiles at him.

Quin doesn't say anything.

"Husk is our bartender, and Niffty is our housekeeper!" Charlie eagerly shows off the rest of her friends.

"Nice to meet you," Husker says. Niffty runs up and jumps onto Lucifer, holding herself up by holding onto his shirt.

"Hello. I clean," she starts laughing maniacally.

The entire chandelier falls to the floor, blowing dust everywhere.

Lucifer starts laughing. "Alright then."

Took You Long Enough - OC x Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now