𝟷. 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚘

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"Seriously, I can't believe this is our last night before graduation," Kirishima sighs as he walks with his hands crossed casually behind his head, one of his best friends beside him.

"I can," Sero scoffs. "We've all been waiting for this, but it feels like we just got back from winter break! I'm gonna miss UA, though," he adds a little more seriously, turning his attention to the dorm building where the two can already hear loud music booming from.

It's a bittersweet feeling, knowing that the school year is almost over. Tomorrow the graduating class of 3-A will officially be leaving the high school, and going their separate ways.

"Are you, uh, going to tell her how you feel?" Sero then asks softly, noticing how Kirishima almost instantly stiffens up at the question.

"I mean, I...I want to, yeah. I don't know, it might ruin our friendship, y'know?"

Sero gives a soft snort. "If anything, I think Y/N will be the one more upset. You know how she feels about you, and yet, you haven't said anything. Don't you think that's kinda rude?"

"Well, I, no! Of course not, I just—I'm just scared, y'know? God, this is more complicated than I could have ever imagined," Kirishima mutters as they approach the building, the music growing louder.

"Maybe this party will help clear your mind, eh?" Sero gives him a nudge in the ribs, a playful grin on his face. "Just make sure you talk to Mina. And maybe Y/N."

"Y/N, too?"

"Why not?"

Kirishima doesn't answer, not quite sure what to say. The two head inside, the bass thumping so loudly that Kirishima can feel it in his chest.

Actually, that's not true. He knows exactly what to say, he just doesn't know how to phrase it. He knows how hard Y/N's breakup was for her. He had heard all about it from both Mina and Bakugou. But if he did blurt everything out to Sero, he'd probably mention Y/N's new feelings for Todoroki which for sure would ruin Sero's night. He has, after all, tried to win her over since day one at U.A..

It's too complicated, he ends up telling himself as he allows Sero to lead him over to the kitchen where Momo has laid out only the finest of liquor for the occasion.

"You look like you could use a drink," Kaminari says with a smirk, sliding a shot of vodka across the counter towards him. "You've got this weird look on your face. Wait, you're not already drunk, are you?"

"He's not," Sero assures him, patting him on the shoulder as he passes right by. "We just came back from talking with Mr. Aizawa."

"Aizawa?" Kaminari repeats. "About what?"

"None of your business," Kirishima says with a laugh, downing his drink quickly and shuddering. "Ugh. I need to work my way up to this stuff, man. How much have you had?"

"Wait, why is it none of my business? Are you planning a surprise for me because you didn't think I'd actually graduate?" Kaminari grins a bit too widely.

"Geez, you seriously do too much," Sero shakes his head, laughing as he takes the bottle of vodka from him. "So, how are things going with you and Jirou?"

"Hey, give that back!" Kaminari calls, ignoring the question.

"Look, we only went to Mr. Aizawa to talk to him about our futures, okay? Not everything is a conspiracy against you," Kirishima laughs. "I can't wait to see where we end up. It's kind of scary, though."

"Oh, I know! I heard some of us already have jobs lined up but, shit, I've got nothing right now," Kaminari grumbles as he finally grabs the bottle back.

"Then maybe you do really need to be drunk tonight," Sero laughs.

"Oh fuck off, Sero."

Kirishima shakes his head. "I can't believe this is actually happening," he muses, mostly to himself, as he looks around the room.

"You'll be fine," Kaminari assures him, leaning on the counter and staring into the cup in his hand. "Fat Gum and Suneater love you. He's probably just waiting for the right moment to propose."

"You're such an idiot," Kirishima rolls his eyes, holding out the small shot glass and waiting for Kaminari to pour him another round. Meanwhile, Sero grabs his own and joins in.

"I'll be right back," Kaminari grins as he places the bottle back down. "I've got to use the bathroom."

"Hey, if you see Bakugou, let him know I'll be here, okay?" Kirishima calls after him.

Kaminari flashes him a thumbs-up as he disappears.

Sero leans against the counter, his lips twisted into a smirk as he glances towards the stairs. "So, you're going to talk to him first, huh?"

"You know, Kaminari may be an idiot but you're an even bigger one," Kirishima chuckles, shaking his head. "But, yeah, I'd like to talk to him before anything else. Besides, I wouldn't want him getting the wrong idea about anything."

"Mmm, smart," Sero grins as he spots someone across the room that catches his eye. Kirishima turns around to confirm his hunch about who it is, but it's too late. "I'll catch you later, bro."

"Yeah, have fun," Kirishima chuckles as his friend leaves him to walk over and disappears into the crowd.

The redhead sighs softly as he watches him go. He wonders if Sero is going to find the guts to talk to Y/N tonight. He hopes he does.

"Ah, Kirishima," a voice suddenly calls.

Kirishima glances up just in time to see Aoyama walking over gleefully. "Bonjour! You look dazzling tonight."

"Really?" Kirishima chuckles. "Cause that's honestly not how I'm feeling."

"Oh, but mon cher, you are always shining bright! It is what we admire about you," Aoyama insists with a grin.

"Thanks, but I think you're giving me a bit too much credit," Kirishima smiles sheepishly. Suddenly, he doesn't feel all that well. He's only taken two shots so it most likely isn't the alcohol, but his stomach is telling him otherwise.

"Hey, uh," Kirishima mutters as he slaps his hand over his mouth. "Think you could clear a path to the bathroom?"

Aoyama nods, looking a bit concerned. "But of course!"

And as he pushes his way through the crowd, Kirishima can't help but feel relieved. His stomach churns as he makes his way to the stairs, feeling dizzy as he practically runs down the hallway.

As soon as he opens the door and sees the toilet, he falls to his knees, gripping the sides of the bowl. His body shivers as thoughts begin to overwhelm him. Why is everything so messy? Kirishima of all people shouldn't be the one struggling to decide what he wants.

His whole life, he's made it a goal to stay true to his convictions. So why can't he bring himself to confess? He knows who he has strong feelings for. He's had these feelings for years, and they never faded away.

Maybe that's why he's so hesitant. He doesn't want to hurt the others involved.





By making one of them potentially happy, he'll have to crush the others' feelings.

But, he figures, he can't just keep it a secret forever. He's already waited until the literal last night.

Kirishima stands back up, taking a deep breath before walking back to the sink to wash his hands. This is a stupid game he's been playing, and he knows it. He's the only one left to blame.

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