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"Hello is this Hooriya Ali Khan?" i heard an unfamiliar male voice. I started panicking, thinking who it might be. I never get unknown calls.

"Who is this?" I managed to say.

"I am speaking from AT Solutions, you applied for an internship, we've received your resume, I got your number from there. Are you available for an interview?"

How stupid of me to forget that I applied in many companies for internships and now I will be receiving calls from them. I face palmed myself.

"When should I come?" I asked.

"Tomorrow at 9 am, your interview will be conducted by Sir Anwar." He told me. I nodded as if he could see me

"Okay." That's all I could say.

So this means, I will be going for an interview tomorrow!!! I have to tell Sana!!! Yayyyyy! I am so excited!....and nervous?? I don't know, but it feels a bit weird.



This bloody dog is sitting in front of me with the worst grin I have ever seen. I want to break his jaw so badly.

"Speak." I said in my cold authoritative voice. His smile grew wider, I want to punch him until his whole face gets ruined.

"I have a deal for you!" Damn his voice is irritating. I wish I could kill him, but I can't.

"What deal?" I asked him. What does he want to offer me?

"Look whatever loss I did to you, I will recover it. I just want us to become allies. I don't want to do any further damage to you, it's just that I have realized that I should be on your side. Whatever I did was not right, I wanted to fix everything between us." He says all in one breath. Man he seems desperate to be on my side.

Why does he want to be my friend now? This man really has an evil motive. Should I accept him? All these questions started to linger in my brain.

"First of all people don't work WITH me, they work FOR me and secondly why should I let you work for me? You always were on my enemy's side? Why are you so interested suddenly?" I asked him all these questions harshly. I stressed on words 'with' and 'for'.

He used to work for my biggest enemy and now he wants to join me? All this shit is not making sense to me.

"Because the person whom I was working for, turned out to be the bad guy. I saw him killing 10 innocent people in front of my eyes. I can't work for someone like that. I've seen you and I think you don't do that shit, that's the only reason why I want to work for you." He says while shaking a bit in fear, I like how I can make people scared with my cold tone.

I think whatever he is saying might be a trap, but as always I will test him. I don't trust people that easily, so he can't fool me.

"Okay then, join from tomorrow." I stated coldly and got up to leave.



Okay so I have arrived at the address that man gave me. I told Sana yesterday about the call and she asked me to be careful, because she thinks I am a kid, who can't take care of herself. Still after hearing her 30 minutes lecture I decided to keep a pocket knife with me for protection. I know it's extra but I have to, for the sake of my bestie.

I went inside and told the reception about my interview she guided me to the room and now I am waiting in Sir Anwar's office that's what the receptionist told me. She seemed to be a nice woman.

After waiting for almost 5 minutes, the door opens and a tall and broad man enters the room. I am assuming he is Sir Anwar.

"Good morning! Your name?" He ask me to which I reply "Hooriya Ali Khan." He nods and then proceeds to ask me about the interview. He is smiling at me and his smile is more like a smirk.

Honestly I am getting kinda creepy vibes from this man, like the way he is looking at me while talking, it's making me uncomfortable. It's been 10 minutes and he is asking me questions continuously. A lot of these questions don't even make sense, like my favorite color, favorite food. The hell.

"Sir I am here for an interview and the interview is for the internship. Please ask me questions related to that, unlike these unprofessional questions." I said all to him while keeping my face straight. I might be a bubbly person but when I see people like him I show them their real place.

"Are you going to tell me what to do now?" He asks me while getting up from his chair and coming closer to me with a pissed off face.

I don't even know what I did wrong, but my brain tells me to run and that's what I try to do. Keep in mind I try to do it.

He caught my hand while running and started to come closer to me. His disgusting expression is making me nauseous. I did what came in my mind. POCKET KNIFE.

I was hiding the knife in my hands this whole time and this was the time to use it.

Grabbing the pocket knife I pushed him and stabbed him on his shoulder. He winced in pain and I took this opportunity to run.

I ran without looking back and now tears started to run. Why did this happen to me??? I just wanted to get an internship. Why are some people so bad? Thinking all this I ran and after reaching a bus stop, I stopped at the bus stop, but I was not in peace so I walked quickly to the nearest restaurant.

This place seems chill and it's going to make my mood better. His dirty smirk is haunting my mind now. Shooking my head to remove those unnecessary thoughts I ordered Tea.

After finishing tea and washing my face I went home. When I reached home, I greeted everyone and went directly to my room. That bad scene is constantly roaming in my mind.

I locked my room door and tears started running and I didn't stop them either. I sat near my window and kept looking at the sky.

The warmth of the sun was doing nothing, until I heard azaan. I got up, did Wudhu and prayed to Zuhr Salah.

After finishing my prayer I didn't move from the prayer mat, I was continuously crying this whole incident was making me feel filthy. I never in my life experienced such a thing.

I didn't know when I went into a deep slumber, while sitting on the prayer mat.

"I told you not to make me angry! Now face the consequences!"

"No no!! Get away from me!!!"



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Ehsaas - Contrary Hearts 🤍Where stories live. Discover now