Chapter One: Zak

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Voyd's POV:

Today was the day I had been eagerly waiting for - my 6th birthday! As I woke up, a surge of excitement rushed through me. I couldn't wait to spend this special day with my dad, just the two of us.

I bounded down the stairs, my heart racing with anticipation. The delicious scent of pancakes filled the air, and I knew Dad had been up early, preparing my favorite breakfast. The dining table was adorned with a colorful tablecloth and a bouquet of flowers, making it feel extra special.

"Daddy!" I exclaimed, rushing into his arms. He scooped me up, twirling me around, and planted a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Happy birthday, my little princess!"

I beamed up at him, feeling so loved and cherished. Dad set me down and handed me a beautifully wrapped present. I carefully tore off the paper, revealing a shiny new bicycle, complete with training wheels and a basket.

"Oh, Daddy! It's perfect!" I exclaimed, hugging the bike tightly. I couldn't wait to ride it around the neighborhood and explore new adventures.

With the morning sun shining brightly, Dad and I spent the day together, doing all the things I loved. We played board games, built a fort out of blankets, and even had a picnic in the backyard. Dad had packed all my favorite snacks, and we laughed and shared stories as we enjoyed our special meal.

In the afternoon, Dad surprised me with a trip to the local park. We ran through the grass, played on the swings, and had a friendly race down the slide. Dad cheered me on, his laughter filling the air, as I conquered each playground challenge. as the day ended we went home and i left to go play dolls

As the emperor approached me, I felt a sense of dread wash over me. He bent down to make eye contact with me and asked, "Voyd, have you seen your father?" His heavy British accent annoyed me to the point of insanity, but I managed to respond, "Yeah, he was freaking out about some kinda 'draining spell' thing, then he ran off to the treehouse." I turned my attention back to my dolls, hoping he would leave me alone.

But a few minutes later, I heard arguing between two voices. One voice yelled in confusion and fear, demanding to know what the day of unity was and what the draining spell meant. That voice belonged to my father. I recognized it immediately and got up to investigate. "Ash, I didn't want to do this..." the emperor responded, and with those words, I saw him cast a spell that sent a stream of green goop shooting from his hands and into my father's chest. My father screamed in pain as the vile substance ate away at his insides, and before long his screams of agony had silenced. The emperor then lunged forward and sent me flying into a wall. I felt a sharp pain in my face as the emperor's goop magic slashed my face open. I scrambled to my feet and ran for my life, not stopping until I reached the safety of my treehouse. I pulled my father's mask from my bag and held it close as I cried myself to sleep.

The next day, I woke up with a plan. I knew what I had to do. I reached into a drawer I wasn't supposed to open and grabbed the portal key. My father had always warned me that the portal led to the humans and that they wouldn't like me. But the people in my world didn't like me either, and my father was no longer there to hold me back.

I gathered everything I needed and opened the portal to the human world. It was raining, but unlike the boiling rain in my world, this rain didn't scare me. My dragon scales, from my mom's side, made me acid and fireproof. I bravely ventured into the human realm.

About an hour later, I came across a weird animal chained down in an alley. It struggled against the chains and barked loudly. I calmly unchained the animal using my acid spit, and it ran away. But as I turned around, everything went black.

As I opened my eyes, I felt disorientated and struggled to recall what happened before I blacked out. I remembered freeing a strange creature, but I didn't recognize the man who approached me. Slowly, he walked towards me and greeted me, "Hello there, little one~."

The man, Zak, commented on how I didn't look like a human. I retorted, "I am not human." Curious, he asked me, "Then what are you?" I firmly replied, "I am a dragon. Isn't it obvious?"

Zak chuckled and remarked that dragons weren't a thing people believed in around here. I became defensive and snarled,

"What do you want from me? Make it quick." His smug reply was, "Why rush? We have all the time in the world. You're not leaving soon~." My frustration grew as I snapped back,

"Why can't I leave" I asked, feeling anxious and trapped. Zak responded softly, with a mysterious tone that made me uneasy. "We still need to run some tests before we release you," he said, his eyes fixed on me. My heart sank at his words, and I felt a surge of panic rising in my chest.

"What kind of tests?" I objected, my voice trembling with fear. "I didn't agree to this. Let me go!" I shouted, trying to sound angry even though I was scared out of my mind.

"I'm sorry, but we can't let you go yet," Zak replied, shaking his head. "You have to let us run our tests and ask you some questions." His calm demeanor only added to my sense of unease, and I looked around the room, trying to find a way out. But it was hopeless. About twenty men in heavy armor surrounded us, their weapons at the ready. I realized that there was no way I could fight them off, and I felt a sense of defeat wash over me.

"All right, I'll let you do your tests," I begrudgingly conceded, though I was boiling with rage and irritation internally.

"Very wise decision," Zak responded in a tranquil tone.

As Zak proceeded to connect me to different instruments and devices, I attempted to remain composed and attentive. However, each time I heard the hum of a machine or the bleep of a monitor, my pulse quickened.

"Please keep calm and still," Zak instructed, and then administered a blue liquid into my bloodstream. The next thing I knew, I felt lightheaded and lost consciousness.

1118 words

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