"Hello?" Jihyo's voice came through the line, tinged with a hint of curiosity.

"Hey, it's Mina," she said, her words rushed and breathless. "Sorry for disturbing. I need Chaeyoung's address. It's urgent."

There was a moment of hesitation before Jihyo responded, her tone tinged with concern. "Is everything okay?"

Mina swallowed hard, her throat suddenly dry. "I just need to check on her," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper and she could swear she can hear Sana in the background. "Please."

After a brief pause, Jihyo relayed Chaeyoung's address, her voice laced with a mixture of apprehension and understanding. "Just... take care, okay? And keep me posted."

Mina offered a quick word of thanks before ending the call, her mind already racing as she processed the information. She then hurriedly gathered her belongings and made her way to Chaeyoung's apartment, her footsteps echoing in their quiet house.

Despite the fatigue that threatened to consume her, Mina's determination never wavered as she navigated the streets, each step bringing her closer to her destination. With every passing moment, her worry for Chaeyoung intensified, she promised to always look out for her and she's not planning to break that.

As she reached the door, Mina hesitated for a moment, her hand hovering uncertainly before she gathered her resolve and pressed the doorbell, the sound echoing through the silent hallway.

As the door swung open, revealing Nayeon standing on the other side, Mina's heart plummeted into her stomach. The sight before her was a stark contrast to the image she had conjured in her mind - instead of finding Chaeyoung, she was greeted by Nayeon, disheveled and clearly caught off guard. "M-Mina?"

Nayeon stood before Mina with her hair disheveled, strands falling haphazardly across her face in wild tufts. Her usually immaculate appearance was marred by smudged lipstick, the vibrant hue now blurred and uneven. The top buttons of her shirt were left undone, revealing a glimpse of skin and drawing attention to the unmistakable hickey on her neck.

For a fleeting moment, Mina's mind went blank as she struggled to process the scene before her. Mina couldn't help but second-guess herself. Doubt crept in, and she found herself reaching for her phone to double-check the apartment number, as if confirming it would somehow alleviate the unsettling feeling that had settled in the pit of her stomach.

With trembling fingers, she scrolled through her contacts, searching for the message where Jihyo had shared Chaeyoung's address. Finding it, she scrutinized the digits displayed on the screen, comparing them to the number on the door plate in front of her.

Each digit matched perfectly, leaving no room for doubt. She's in the right place.

"Ms. Im," Mina finally managed to choke out, her voice barely above a whisper. "Is... Chaeyoung here?"

"W-what are you doing here?" she asked, her voice tinged with confusion. "She's just taking a bath."

"I... I see," Mina replied, her voice barely audible as she fought to maintain her composure. Despite her efforts to hide it, the truth was written plainly on her face, her emotions laid bare for Nayeon to see. "I... I'll leave then. Thank you."

Without allowing Nayeon to speak further, and with a heavy heart, Mina turned her back but before she could begin to make her way down the hallway, a flicker of movement caught her eye from the corner of her vision. Turning slightly, she glimpsed a figure emerging from the depths of the apartment, shrouded in a billowing robe. It was Chaeyoung.

Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of Chaeyoung's familiar form, clad in the soft folds of the robe, her damp hair cascading in loose tendrils around her shoulders.

And before Chaeyoung could catch sight of her, Mina hurriedly turned on her heel and made her way down the hallway. Her steps were quick and purposeful, fueled by a mix of shock, hurt, and confusion. She couldn't bear the thought of facing Chaeyoung in that moment, not with the unsettling image of Nayeon still fresh in her mind.

With each hurried step, Mina distanced herself from the painful scene she had stumbled upon. She needed time to process what she had seen, to make sense of the tangled web of emotions that threatened to overwhelm her.

As she reached the end of the hallway and stepped out into the cool night air, Mina turned her gaze skyward, seeking solace from the stars. Her face then felt hot liquids streaming down her face.

"She's fine, I guess," Mina muttered to herself, her voice barely above a whisper. How naive of her to think that Chaeyoung would go to her for comfort. "It's okay." She tried to convince herself that Chaeyoung's happiness was paramount, that seeing her with someone else shouldn't affect her so deeply. After all, she had always wished for Chaeyoung's happiness, even if it wasn't with her.

But despite her best efforts to push aside her own feelings, a pang of hurt and sadness gnawed at Mina's heart. She couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal, the sense of longing that gripped her even as she tried to bury it deep within. It was a bitter irony — wanting someone else's happiness while grappling with her own unspoken desires.

As she walked away from Chaeyoung's apartment, Mina couldn't help but wonder why she felt so conflicted. Was it jealousy, regret, or something else altogether? She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but one thing was clear — her heart was in turmoil, torn between selflessness and self-preservation.

With a heavy sigh, Mina trudged on, her footsteps heavy with the weight of disappointment and uncertainty. She knew she had to come to terms with her feelings, to find a way to move forward even as her heart ached with every step. But for now, all she could do was cling to the promise she made to herself — to always be happy for Chaeyoung, even if it meant letting go of the one she loves.

Hmm. Nacheng? 🫣

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