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Dear Ms. Son,

Hi. I hope you're doing fine now. I actually am not sure what I am thinking - writing you this letter. There's a big chance Irene unnie would forget giving you this. But if in any case this letter reached you, I want you to know how thankful I am. Thank you for coming to my aid when I needed it the most. You saved me from a potentially dangerous situation, and I cannot express how grateful I am for your courage and selflessness.

Does it still hurt? I still remember how scared you looked when you realized you were bleeding. I hope you didn't gave the doctors a hard time. But kidding aside, I'm sorry for causing you harm. I'm sorry you will now have a scar because of me. Just what were you thinking defending a stranger from someone much bigger than you?

Looking back, I realize that I may not have handled the situation as gracefully as I should have, and for that, I am truly sorry. Please know that I deeply regret any discomfort or unease I may have caused you. I know you were just trying to help. The thing is, I'm not used to that so I wasn't sure how to react when you offered it.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate what you did, and, um, I'm sorry if I, like, made things hard.

To pay for what you did, please come see me next Friday. Just look for Chan - the waiter who assisted you back then. He'll know what to do. He will guide you to me.

I'll wait for you.

- Sharon

Chaeyoung's pulse quickened as she read Sharon's letter, the words seeping into her mind like an intoxicating melody. With a flutter in her chest, she found herself longing for Friday to arrive, the anticipation of their meeting igniting a fire within her that she couldn't extinguish.

"She knows me." Chaeyoung's smile widened, a rush of excitement coursing through her veins at the thought of Sharon knowing her name. It was a small detail, but it felt like a significant connection between them.

"Hey." Mina greeted as she entered the hospital room with takeaways in her hands. "I brought food."

Chaeyoung quickly concealed the letter as Mina approached, a flush of guilt coloring her cheeks. "Hey, Minari," she replied, trying to mask her sudden unease.

"Everything okay?"

"Everything's fine," Chaeyoung assured, though her voice wavered slightly, betraying her inner turmoil.

"Right." Mina shrugged and Chaeyoung was thankful she didn't press her. "I wasn't sure what you like that's why I bought a couple so you can choose."

"That's thoughtful of you," Chaeyoung replied, grateful for Mina's considerate gesture. "But why?"

"What do you mean why?" Mina furrowed her brows in confusion.

"I mean, why are you being so kind to me?" Chaeyoung clarified, her curiosity piqued.

Despite her gratitude, Chaeyoung couldn't shake off the feeling of uncertainty lingering within her. Mina's unwavering presence and care during her hospital stay were undeniable, yet Chaeyoung couldn't pinpoint the underlying reason behind it all.

"You're being weird." Mina laughed. "Do I need any reason?"

"You're right." Chaeyoung reminded herself to appreciate Mina's friendship and support without overthinking it too much. She realized this just how Mina is. Her kindness and caring nature were simply innate qualities. "Sorry for being ungrateful, Minari."

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