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As they celebrated the successful launch of their magazine, the entire team gathered in Chaeyoung's spacious office, basking in the glow of their accomplishment.

Mina, Sana, and the rest of the crew exchanged high-fives and congratulatory hugs as they sipped on champagne.

Nayeon grinned, raising her glass. "To us! This magazine wouldn't have happened without all of our hard work and Chaeyoung's brilliant leadership."

Chaeyoung beamed with pride, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "You're all amazing! We should definitely do something special to mark this occasion, right?"

Jihyo chimed in, her enthusiasm contagious. "How about an anniversary celebration for the company? We could rent out a fancy venue, have live music, and of course, lots of food and drinks!"

Nayeon nodded in agreement. "That sounds fun! We could invite clients, collaborators, and friends to join in."

Chaeyoung's smile widened. "Hmm. Let's make it happen then. After all, we deserve to celebrate this milestone."

And so, plans for the company's anniversary bash began to take shape, with everyone eager to toast to their continued success.

On the other hand, Mina couldn't shake off thoughts about her and Chaeyoung's plan to visit Jeju. With the company's anniversary celebration now added to their plate, Mina couldn't help but wonder if Chaeyoung had forgotten about their planned trip.

Jihyo chimed in with a suggestion, her eyes bright with excitement. "What if we have performances from each department, with the department heads leading the way?" She grinned, looking around at the team for their reactions. "It could be a fun way to showcase our talents."

Sana's eyes lit up with excitement as she enthusiastically endorsed Jihyo's idea. "That sounds amazing! And hey," she added, turning to Mina with a proud grin, "Mina could dance for us! She's got some serious moves." Then, realization washed over her, and she quickly glanced around the room, hoping no one caught her slip-up regarding Mina's secret identity.

Mina's expression froze in shock as Sana's words hit her like a bolt from the blue. She knew Sana didn't mean any harm, but if looks could kill, Sana would be in serious trouble. Mina desperately tried to maintain her composure, silently cursing herself for not reminding Sana about the need to keep her secret identity hidden, especially from Chaeyoung.

"Wait, Mina can dance?" Chaeyoung's eyes widened with surprise, her curiosity piqued. "I never knew that."

"I mean, we can all dance!" Sana quickly interjected, attempting to diffuse the situation. "In fact, Momo, Mina, and I, as the only foreigners in our department, will have a special performance." She glanced at Momo, silently pleading for her to play along and rescue her from the awkward predicament she had unintentionally created.

Momo, initially caught up in the excitement, later realized the implication of Sana's words. "Wait, can we dance?" she asked, a hint of uncertainty creeping into her voice. It dawned on her that she wasn't sure if the three of them actually knew how to dance, especially considering the pressure of performing in front of their colleagues.

Sana, sensing Momo's hesitation, urged her to just go with the flow without delving into further discussion. "Come on, Momoring! We've got this! We're made in Japan, right?"

"Yeah, made in Japan." Momo furrowed her brows. "But wait, do we even know how to dance?"

Sana waved a dismissive hand. "Details, details! We'll figure it out. Besides, it'll be fun!"

Momo shrugged with a resigned smile. "Alright, fine. But only if there's food during practice. Deal?"

Sana beamed. "Deal! It's a plan then. We'll dance our hearts out and feast like kings afterward!"

ALTEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora