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Another morning passed where she woke up in a bed that wasn't her own, another raging headache that pounded against her skull. Whether it was from crying or the excessive drinking from the night before...she wasn't sure. But this bed was comfortable, and it was familiar to her. As her eyes fluttered she recognized the room she was in.

A sense of deja vu rang through her. She was in Trunks' room.

"Morning," his voice flitted through the room and strangely enough, Marron felt relief at hearing the sound of his voice. He was still in what seemed to be his clothes from the evening prior–bar the shoes.

"I did it again, didn't I?" Marron groaned, as she slid back into the bed wanting to cover her face from view.

"Oh yeah," Trunks groaned as he sat up with a long stretch of his neck muscles. "Most definitely."

Marron leaned her head against the headboard, unsure if she wanted to cry, or laugh at the misery she'd seemingly put herself through. Trunks yet again by her side– for better or for worse– he was stuck by her. Or was it the other way around? Nowadays...Marron definitely couldn't tell anymore.

"Was it bad?" Marron huffed, watching the playful glint in Trunks' eyes as a smile pulled on his lips.

"The worst," he teased, his eyes watching Marron with a profound tenderness that she'd recognized prior. But it was clearer now, abundantly clear.

"God, I fucked up," Marron groaned, as the events from the night prior came back in waves. "I fucked up everything."

"How so?" Trunks asked as if he didn't already know.

"After you left the room on Papaya Island, Goten came in the room and kissed me..." Marron could feel as her stomach turned in knots, looking down at the blanket. " wasn't what I thought it was going to be."

"Like he's a bad kisser?" Trunks prodded, a brow quirked as a somewhat smug grin spread across his lips.

"No..." Marron paused, with a small scoff at his unseriousness. "Like I didn't feel like it was right..."

In truth, when Goten kissed her...all she could think of was how much better it felt to kiss Trunks ...a concern that she had stuffed into the back crevices of her mind. But coming back into fruition, she remembered how the touch of his hand on her face felt, and how intense her emotions swirled within her.

"I went out with Valese...and..."

"You didn't tell her, did you?" The pieces were coming together now, her inconsolable tears from the night before. She must have been so upset she left Marron. And as much as Trunks wanted to say she could do no wrong, that simply was not the truth. Marron did not have the purest intentions in her friendship with Valese.

He may be smitten but he was no fool to that.

"I did...and she kind of just...left me alone..." Marron sighed as she threw her face into her hands, knowing well what she did was nothing more than her own fault. "I really messed up here..."

"I'm sure she will understand with some time, it's a dick move but..." Trunks thought to choose his words wisely. "You could always tell her the elaborate ploy we made...hell, blame it on me for all I care," Trunks muttered out with a half hearted shrug. It wasn't much, but it was the least he could say to comfort the best of his abilities, that is.

Trunks sat up from the bed, walking over to the walk-in closet connected to his bedroom, tossing a large hoodie in Marron's direction. He watched the blonde woman with an overwhelming amusement before her curiosity got the best of her.

When Spring Came || Trunks/Marron DBZ FanficWhere stories live. Discover now