Tide Turning

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Pan laid on the couch of her living room, her legs hanging from the arms of the sofa as she stared at the ceiling. In her mind, she contemplated the ongoing bet with Bulla. Though to Bulla it seemed as if Pan was being in denial about the nature of Trunks and Marron's relationship, Pan held it to be true that something was wrong.

Either the relationship was a rebound, or it was fabricated. There was just no possible way someone who was seemingly head over heels in love with one person could suddenly do a 180 pivot. To her, something still wasn't adding up. Pan doubts that it's something that Bulla fabricated. Pan had spent an entire year in space with Trunks when she was younger... she knows he was far too proud to succumb to Bulla's wishes over a bet.

She glanced at the article on her phone, her calf thudding against the arm of the sofa. Her brain attempted to connect some kind of line with the recent events and the Marron she knew. It wasn't adding up. She glanced over to the door, seeing her uncle peek at his head. Just the person she wanted to see.

"Hey Pan!" Goten exclaimed as he walked into the room, unannounced, as per usual.

Pan's onyx eyes looked over to the hybrid as he walked up to her, while she still laid down flat on the sofa. "Yo."

Goten cocked his head, seeing the down turned Pan, but attempted not to pay her much attention. She could just be in some kind of mood and Goten knows not to poke the bear when she's in a mood. "Where's your dad?"

"He's finishing up a lecture. What's up?" Pan asked as she perked her head up to look at Goten right side up. He was a bit more fidgety than normal, as if he had something important to do...

"Oh, nothin'... just needed to ask him something..." Goten hummed as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, looking around anxiously. "I could just come back later."

Pan knitted her brows. He was acting awfully strange. "I mean, you could just wait for him, he'll be out in a few," Pan said as she motioned her hand over to the sofa, calling him to sit beside her.

Goten let out a very vocal sigh, as he rubbed his pant legs, straightening them out. His fingers drumming against his knees, "Soo, how's my favorite niece doing?" He asked, as he leaned his head against Pan's shoulder.

Pan's eyes shifted over to the hybrid. He wasn't acting like his usual self. She decided to ignore it, letting out a huff. "One, I'm your only niece and two... I'm okay."

"What's up, girl troubles?" Goten asked, his eyes looking up at his niece.

Pan tilted her head in response. He wasn't totally off. "Kind of?" Pan began, before an idea slipped into her mind. And it was an idea that would definitely get Bulla just a bit peeved off, but if she was allowed to turn the tables in her favor... then this was fair game. "I have a question for you..."

Goten pursed his lips. Whenever Pan posed a question like that, it always had an ulterior motive as far as he knew. "Okay, shoot."

Pan managed to hide her smirk forming on the corner of her lip. "Don't you think it's kind of weird how Trunks and Marron got together?" She asked. "I just feel like it came out of nowhere."

Goten nodded slowly. He still did think the relationship was strange, but he was ultimately happy for both of them. It was for the best, given that Trunks had such a hard time dealing with his heartbreak from letting Mai go. "Yeah..." Goten replied. "But that's kind of how love works."

Pan scrunched her lips to the side, her voice laced in doubt. "I just think..." she began. "Well, I mean, I like Valese-" Pan interrupted herself as she pressed her nail against her lip, slightly gnawing it. How would she word this without being too obvious? "I kinda think you and Marron would have made a really cute couple."

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