Escape To Papaya Island

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Marron's eyes fluttered open as the bright lights of the morning sun shone through the open doors. Squawking birds flying overhead as the roll of the waves against the shore strummed her back to a state of awakeness. A banging headache wreaking havoc in the insides of her skull. She sat up, still in her clothes from the previous night.

This room she was in was definitely something she couldn't identify, white and dark wooden accents with seashells and the distinct humid scent of the beach filling the room. She was clearly in a hotel, by some seaside resort...but how did she get there? And why? The last memory she had was chatting with Goten in Mt. Paozu, which is hundreds of miles away from any coast.

The very last thing she recalled was chatting with Goten though the subject matter was lost on her. There was a distinct fear she had said something ridiculous in her inebriated state, but given there was a slumbering Trunks in the couch beside her, it told her Trunks may have swept in and saved the day.

Was she still drunk? The intense headache that wracked her brain told her otherwise.

She slipped out of the bed, kneeling down to the sleeping Saiyan poking his cheek watching as the slumbering man stirred in his sleep. To her own admission, Trunks' face was quite adorable when he slept. His pull was magnetic, much to Marron's struggle with rationalizing her own feelings.

She brushed stray lavender hairs off his face, watching as Trunks stirred in his sleep, his eyes slowly opening to find Marron at eye level, her bright blue eyes practically sparkling in the morning sun. "Hey," Trunks groaned in response as he sat up, his hands gently massaging his neck from the uncomfortable sleep he had.

"Morning," she smiled at him, "mind telling me where we are?" Marron's own reaction surprised her, she wasn't upset at the fact Trunks had seemingly whisked her away and she was nowhere near West City, yet somehow...she trusted this wasn't some ploy to mess with her.

"Don't you remember?" Trunks yawned as he looked down at the woman who seemed to have a permanent pout on her lips.

"Obviously not," she grumbled as she rubbed her face as her face pressed against the couch, a sigh quickly following suit.

"You were quite the handful last night, Marron," he chuckled as he got up, walking out towards the wooden platform that looked out towards the beach.

Marron looked back towards him, watching as the hybrid stretched staring off into the ocean. "Did I...say something?" Marron asked meekly, afraid of the answer he'd give her.

There was a pause, Trunks debated with himself if he really wanted to answer that. "Nothing I didn't already know," Trunks sighed. That was a lie, of course. But he rather keep the information she drunkenly divulged to him for himself, if anything to save her from the embarrassment.

"I think I told Goten last night something–" Marron silently whispered, low enough that Trunks couldn't hear...the anxiety did gnaw at her at the prospect she could have messed up that horribly.

"You and Valese really need to keep yourselves in check," Trunks replied, "you both were a bit rowdy last night..."

Marron kept her eyes towards the ground, feeling embarrassment flush her face at the revelation. Though the memory was hazy, she distinctly remembered chatting up a storm with the brunette." That ...sounds about right..." Marron tracked her memories though most of it was still fuzzy, "you still haven't answered my question, though."

"And that is?" Trunks asked as he came back inside, walking towards the kitchenette to grab water from the mini fridge.

Marron's eyes widened as she gestured around the room. " Where the hell are we?"

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