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Julia wasn't in the dorm when you woke up the next day, but since none of the other girls questioned the bandage you assumed she must have told the two of them about it before heading out. You wore your long sleeved uniform down to the cafeteria, not wanting to cause more attention than necessary. The constant whispers behind your back was enough as it was. You sighed. All that curiosity just because you were a human. Something the students had only heard of before.

You settled down in one of the cafeterias with Jessica and Mary, your body still sore from yesterday. You didn't get to sit for long, before Mary pulled you over to the board displaying today's menu.

"You'll take the carnivore meal, right? Heard it should be very tasty today." Mary chirped happily as she studied the board. A group of guys - mostly canines - stood beside your own little group. Jessica obviously knew them, 'cause she instantly fell in talk with one of them - a blonde labrador - who she called by the name Jack. He seemed friendly enough. The rest of the group seemed to consist of a white sheepdog, a spotted hyena, a coyote, a fennec fox and a grey wolf that seemed oddly familiar to you. Probably one of the guys from the drama club. Actually, you were pretty sure he was the guy who stood by the light the day you talked with Louis for the first time.

He had seemed oddly intimidating back then, but now... He looked drowsy, almost like the poor guy hadn't gotten much sleep over the night. It calmed your nerves a bit. Els and her friends had seemed anxious just from being in the same room as him, but now that you were with your canine friends it was easier to be close to him. You had probably just gotten a bad first impression of him. He seemed alright now. Tired, yes, but that wasn't exactly rare when students worked their ass off for assignments.

The grey wolf's nose twitched slightly and his ears perked up. It was quite funny - the movements almost like your own dog Blaze when he smelled something interesting. You quickly let your eyes find something new to observe, as the wolf looked in your direction, seeming to study your face. A bit uncomfortable, yes, but you had also been eyeing him, so it was rather hard to judge.

Jessica invited the boys to sit with her - which also meant that they would sit with you and Mary too. Not that you wanted to complain, they seemed outgoing and overall friendly. However as you almost reached your table, an argument started behind your little group.

"You bastard! What's your deal!? You do realise that you've been stepping on my tail this whole time, right?" An irritated hyena yelled. Luckily not at your group, but at a fox.

"I said I was sorry. What more do you want?" The fox sneered. The hyena took hold of the fox's shoulders, shaking him.

"But you laughed when you said it, like the whole thing was funny, you damn fox!"

"Look at all those lines on your face. A little too much stress?" The fox continued to taunt the hyena. That seemed to be enough to push the hyena over the line. With a snarl his mouth closed around the fox's arm. Shocked screams filled the cafeteria. The fox let out a startled yelp, and in an attempt to get the hyena to let go he tripped, sending them both down on the floor.


You turned, surprised to see that the grey wolf had been the one to interrupt the argument. He seemed just as startled by his outburst.

"Who are you yelling at? Did you think you'd beat me just because you're bigger?" The fox stood up and began to approach the grey wolf with slow steps.

"No way!" The wolf held his hands up in surrender. "You got it all wrong."

"Oh, I've got it all wrong, huh? Give me your neck. I'll bite into it nice and gently."

Just then a new voice interrupts. "Come on, being a carnivore isn't so easy either." It's far from hard to find the smug looking deer in the crowd. Hell, he's the definition of girl-magnet from the way all the female students turn their heads. Louis walks through the cafeteria, stopping next to the grey wolf. His gaze goes over the crowd, flashing you a charming smile, when he sees you. "They're not always lucky enough to have both personality and fighting strength.

"Well well, if it isn't Louis himself. The superstar rich kid." The fox mogs.

"Exposing your fangs in public is considered bad manners."

"Hah, you're in a bit of a tough spot yourself. If you really want the title of the next beastar, you'll need to work on gaining popularity.

"Have you ever thought about the actual reason why we need the beastar in our world? Instead of me, just worry about yourself." Louis says with usual unbothered tone. The cafeteria finally turns noisy again - students laughing and insulting the two carnivores. The hyena tried to drag the fox away from the mocking laughs, but it seemed the fox hadn't said his final words.

"Impressive. You spin everything so that you come out on top." The fox growled before quickly making his way out of the cafeteria with the hyena just behind him.

You sigh with relief that they had left. All the students settled down at their tables. Jack - the labrador - looked at the grey wolf judging. "What the heck was that, Legoshi?"

You looked at the grey wolf surprised. His name was Legoshi? That was... an interesting name to say the least. Els had probably already told you his name, but you must have forgotten.

Legoshi, huh?

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