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Wandering through the enormous school's hall had become your favourite activity in the school's pauses. Simply just observing all the students' behaviours and finding all the small details in the build. Like the smaller doors to the classrooms for not-as-tall animals. Or how some of the staircases had ramps, similar to the ones for wheelchair users back at home, for animals with shorter legs.

Talking about shorter legs... You found it quite interesting to see just how big some of the animals here were. Especially considering how they looked back at home. From the ginormous tiger in the drama club whose name you recalled was, Bill, to the small female rabbit who couldn't possibly be over four feet.

You often saw the white rabbit. Not for long periods of time, only a few seconds if you passed by her in the school hall. Or if you saw her walking to her dormitory building. Or sitting, eating all alone in the afternoon, sun getting low and shining brightly orange, just like now.

It couldn't be completely safe for such a small rabbit to sit all alone.

Not after the murder of Tem. Someone - a carnivore - could see her like this. A prey, completely alone behind the cafeteria. Unaware of her surroundings. Away from eyewitnesses. It would be best for her own safety if you joined her.

"Would you mind if I ate here with you?" You smiled brightly down at her as she looked up at you. Her eyes were wide. She probably hadn't heard you walking up to her. She really should be more on her toes.

Her eyes glazed over your features. Your eyes, facial features, teeth, hair - or more like the lack of it - and your short nails. She smiled. A small smile, but welcoming nonetheless.

"Sure, why not." She shrugged and moved a bit to the side, almost as a gesture for you to sit down. The soup in her bowle, threatening to spill over the edges at the movement. The herbivore dish obviously.

"Careful with that." You pointed at the soup. "It's a pain to get off clothing." The white rabbit looked down at her dish, before nodding slowly.

"You're probably right about that." She replied. The topic didn't interest her much, that much you could feel from the awkward silence, however you couldn't possibly eat in complete silence. You didn't even know her name.

"I'm Y/N by the way. Human." You introduced yourself. Even sitting down you had to look down to hold eye contact with the female rabbit. She was really small. Petite even. How come she was sitting here without any friends? That couldn't possibly be safe. Even though the sun was still out, the light had visibly dimed. It wouldn't even take an hour before the moon would be the only natural light. The perfect time for carnivores to start lurking.

"Y/N, huh? I might have heard a word or two about you. My name is Haru, I'm a third year student. And I'm a dwarf rabbit." She stirred the soup with the small spoon. Your eyes tracked the movement.

"How come you're sitting here all alone, Haru?" You asked curiously. She looked up at the mention of her name. Her eyes flew over your eyes. Noticed how your mouth moved when you talked. How the teeth barely just showed under your lip. Haru looked down again before shrugging.

"I don't have a very good reputation right now." She admitted.

You didn't say anything to that. Instead, you noticed movement in the corner of your eye. Three girls, all in school uniforms, coming closer by each step. Haru noticed too, but looked unfaced.

"Wow, I'm impressed. The whole school's ignoring you and yet you sit here still so strong, Haru. A little risky, wouldn't you say? For a bunny like you to just sit out here after that student was devoured like your lunch." The leader of the trio - a rabbit, whose fur was half white, half black - looked down at Haru, completely ignoring you. Her unique fur pattern mostly reminded you of a lab experiment, but you obviously weren't going to say that. They probably didn't even have lab rats here.

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