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You were frozen in the grasp of a beast, your body trembling, thousands of thoughts crossed your mind almost way too fast to comprehend.

Was this some sort of sick game? Had some sort of higher power decided to kill you over and over again? You couldn't possibly have done anything to deserve this. To feel this much pain. This much sorrow. It wasn't fair. Nothing was. You had learned that now.

The enormous beast had you pressed tightly to their chest, arms wrapped tightly around you, like it was scared of losing you. Losing its prey. You could feel their warm body, the soft fur, the hot air that hit your neck everytime the animal let out a shaking breath. They were shaking. Almost as much as yourself. However this clearly wasn't fear. It was adrenaline.


Just breathe.

You had to stay calm despite the situation. It wouldn't do you any good to panic. Panicking would get you killed.

You winced in pain as the animal's claws sank into your arm, pressing hard enough to draw drops of blood, staining your uniform.

A voice called out from behind you - a male voice. It seemed familiar, but you couldn't place it. Your captor flinched at the sound, their grip loosening ever so slightly. You saw the chance and tugged, pulling away from the living cage, stumbling slightly before getting your feet on the ground. And then you ran. As fast as you could - hell, you didn't even look back. Pure instinct had taken over your feet. You couldn't stop running. You just had to get away.


There wasn't much light in the dorm when you entered, panting and shaking. The others must have gone to bed already, only leaving little light turned on. You could spot the sleeping silhouette of the cocker spaniel, Mary in her bed and hear the light snoring from who you assumed to be Jessica.

You stumbled through the dorm, trying to keep the noise down, as you opened the door out to the bathroom. A scented candle was burning slightly and it calmed your senses. You always had scented candles at home. The water from one of the shower stalls was running, but you didn't think too much of it. You had enough to worry about. You walked over to the small mirror seeing your own face in it. You looked worn out, tired - yet your eyes managed to stay wide. You looked as shocked as you felt. You could have shared Tems fate tonight.

The shower turned off and Julia walked out of the shower stall, a long white towel wrapped around her body, feet making wet noises as she walked out to take slippers on. She looked surprised to see you, eyes at your face before drifting down.

"Is that blood?"

She took a step closer to you, taking your arm in her hand and quickly wetting a towel before whipping the dried blood off. Her grip on your arm was tight, not letting you step back as you winced in pain every time the rough towel touched the sensitive skin.

"What the hell happened, Y/N."

"I'm sorry." You sobbed, tears starting to form in the corner in your eyes, but you suppressed them as much as you could - not wanting to break down in front of Julia.

Julia shushed you, turning around to wet the towel again, but never taking her comforting hand off your shoulder. "Don't apologise." She scolded. "It's not like this is your fault. Did you hit yourself on something sharp?" Julia raised your arm for inspection. Her nose squashed up as she saw the lines from claws.

"Y/N, what's this?"

Her eyes were big as they looked into your own. She was concerned. She was worried for you. Oh how you wanted to just crumble in her eyes, but that might have scared her even more. So instead you stood straight, wiping the beginning tears away from your eyes, giving Julia a small smile - that honestly looked more pathetic than reassuring. You couldn't risk to break. Not here. Not now. Never.

Panicking would get you killed.

"I fell into a thornbush." The lie was bitter. So easy to make up, yet so hard to tell. Julia raised a brow, but didn't question further. It was a terrible feeling. She obviously knew that you lied.

"I'll try to find some bandages. A simple band aid won't help much here." She sighed and started searching through the bathroom's locker that contained brushes and medicine and to your luck - a first aid kit.

"Stay still, hm?" Julia started wrapping the bandage around your arms, looking up at you every once a while to check if it was too tight or uncomfortable for you in any way. You didn't trust your voice enough to answer, so you just nodded whenever Julia asked for confirmation. She finished wrapping the bandage around, tying a small knot to keep it in place. Julia seemed pleased by the outcome, giving you a soft pat on the back to calm you down. "Good girl. Don't move around too much tomorrow, and my little handicraft might just work, alright?"

You gave a small nod, straightening your back. Julia's eyes followed the movement, seeming to notice your sore muscles.

"Hey, Julia?"


"Thanks for patching me up."

"Don't worry about it. Everything for my roomie."

The two of you walked out the bathroom, turning off the lights and settling down in each bed. None of the other girls seemed to have heard anything, light snoring coming from both beds. You laid down in your own bed, trying not to wince as you let a hand run over your hurt arm.

You were hurt, yes.

But tonight's outcome could have been much worse.

Don't think about it, Y/N.

Just sleep.

You forced your eyes shut. And even though you waited desperately for sleep, the only thing occupying your mind was the heavy breathing of a beast cageing you in.

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