Chapter 25: There for you

Start from the beginning

"Rudraneel, I think we're ambushed!!-*gun shot" I will call later!-"

"Wait!! On which road are you!?I am coming!-"

"No need! You get checked, the reinforcement are on the way probably!-*gun shot!!"

"DHARA, NO. I need to know it! Tell me." , Rudraneel roars as he puts in more authority in his my tone.

Seriously! What's wrong with this woman?! My wife's ambushed and she expects me to keep getting checkups?! Why doesn't she understand that I want to be there for her!

Thinks Rudraneel, as he waits for her answer.

Dhara paused for like a millisecond before giving him all her info.

"G.B road , 10 km in!*gun shot!!*  I am sharing location,there should be a servant called Dheer, Badi ma has his number, take it from her, he will have my location! *Gun shot!!* B-bYE!-"

The call ended.

Without a second of delay Rudraneel turns to Badi ma.
Rudraneel turns to see a panicking badi ma,
"Badi ma, don't worry. I will bring her back!" , he assures badi ma before proceeding to ask for Dheer.

On getting Dheer's contact, Rudraneel proceeds to command him for assistance and leading himself to Dhara!

On call:

Rudraneel: Dheer?

Dheer: Yes sir. I have been alerted by Rex, I shall protect and assist you!

Rudraneel: I. am. NOT. the one in need to be protected right now! *Raspy, dangerous tone*

Rudraneel's dangerous tone , sends shiver down Dheer's spine.

Dheer: B-but sir-

Rudraneel: No buts! You do what I ask! Got it?

Dheer: O-okay sir.-

Rudraneel: Now get a damn car and come here! Take me where Dhara is!

As Rudraneel asked, Dheer complied.

A few minutes later, a matte black car stopped infront of Nishith Villa,

Rudraneel got in it and the car speeded off to where Dhara location is traced!

__________ ________

Dhara's situation:

Dhara's car is surrounded by the attacker's onse, left ,right and behind while chasing her!

They're showering bullets on them! Only thing thats protecting them is thr car being bullet proof!

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They're showering bullets on them! Only thing thats protecting them is thr car being bullet proof!

Dhara's POV:

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