15: The Gift of Immortality

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A thousand years ago, in the age of magic and mystery, a mage named Morag stumbled upon the discovery of alternate realms. Each realm he uncovered was a marvel, teeming with life in its myriad forms—fairies as delicate as dust particles and monstrous ghouls with bark-like skin. Flawless creations, all of them, yet bound by a single divine flaw: mortality.

Morag, moved by pity for these mortal beings, embarked on a grand endeavor. From each realm he discovered, he carefully selected creatures and brought them to Soteria, a realm of eternal preservation. Named after the goddess of preservation herself, Soteria was Morag's sanctuary, a haven where beings from all walks of life could live forever, shielded from the ravages of time.

The goddess believed she was protecting those in harm's way by delivering them to a state of eternal preservation. Morag, in his wisdom, agreed, believing that by defying the laws of time, he was safeguarding his subjects from harm—or, in this case, mortality.

Morag's latest fascination lay with Earth, a realm he referred to simply as "Orb." Snatching people from Earth and bringing them to Soteria, Morag granted them the gift of immortality. In Soteria, years felt like mere hours, and the people from Earth found themselves living in a perpetual state of youth and vitality. They had no recollection of how they arrived or how long they had been there—until they were met by four strangers.

These wanderers, unlike any they had encountered before, were enigmatic figures whose presence sparked a sense of recognition in the hearts of those brought from Earth. Though their faces were unfamiliar, there was something about them that stirred memories long forgotten, a sense of connection that defied explanation.

As the four strangers approached, their eyes alight with curiosity, the inhabitants of Soteria felt a sense of anticipation stirring within them. Who were these mysterious wanderers, and what secrets did they hold? Only time would tell as the threads of fate wove their intricate tapestry, binding the destinies of all who dwelled in the realm of eternal preservation.

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