Bonus: 17 reasons

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Hello everyone! So I couldn't help but read a few theories in the comments mentioning that Dazai may or may not be joining the mafia again. I decided I wanted to post a bonus for those who are keen readers and are fond of theories with logic reasoning and evidence.

Please do voice out your ideas and theories as well.


Dazai joining back the mafia--- 

1. Mori did mention to Kouyou that Dazai would be a potential leader in his place when he turns 23. 

Though this may have been before Dazai defected, it shows that Mori has high hopes that Dazai will be the leader of the port mafia. We all know Mori is a power greedy individual who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. This is only one of the theories that have evidence.

2. Dazai takes off his pendant in the S4 OUTRO

This is the S4 ending for reference. You can skip the video till 1.20 to see the scene. This may be a hint from the Asagiri that Dazai indeed sacrifices himself. S4 was placed where Dazai was arrested and that's where his master plan started out, allowing himself to be arrested and taken to jail to be with Fyodor. Taking off his pendant may be a sign that he accepts the decision to leave the ADA.

3. His eyes is often covered during S4 and S5 episodes.

Thought this is not highly noticeable. 

The first picture is the only one of the many scenes in the episodes which shows Dazai with one of his eyes covered

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The first picture is the only one of the many scenes in the episodes which shows Dazai with one of his eyes covered. Looks familiar

Port mafia Dazai had the same eye covered in bandages, most likely throughout his port mafia days

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Port mafia Dazai had the same eye covered in bandages, most likely throughout his port mafia days. Another sign given to us that he may be joining the mafia again.

4. Dazai's choice of being with Sigma.

We all know that Dazai chose Sigma when Fyodor and him were given the choice during their little 'competition' to see who gets the antidote first. We then see episodes of them dancing, being friendly and Dazai ultimately saving Sigma from the falling elevator. Which then results to Sigma going against Fyodor and pointing a gun at him. However, due to failing to see that it was indeed not a physical game but a mental game, Sigma gets stabbed and we get a sneak peak of Fyodor's ability. 

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