Chapter 4

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"He's not picking up!" The raven haired sighed, carelessly dropping his own phone on the desk. His legs which was propped on the desk as well dropped to the ground as he stood up, stretching his sore muscles.

"Do you think something happened to him?" The white haired male worriedly asked as Ranpo shrugged, "Maybe he's busy. Knowing Mori, he would've placed Dazai on a mission as soon as possible."

Yasano sighed, massaging her temples as she commented, "Maybe it really was a bad idea to let Mori take Dazai. By the time he comes back to the ADA, he'll be only bones like when he first started with us." 

It was true. When Dazai entered the ADA after two years of hiding in the dark, the brunette was severely underweight and lethargic looking. Despite him covering them up with his cheerful facade, it didn't trick Yasano who had watched after his health since then.

The raven haired hummed as he searched through his endless compartments of sweets and snacks, finding his desired one before slouching in his seat again.

"If he doesn't call us today, I'll make my way into the mafia myself." The purple haired lady continued, Atsushi looking concerned and seemed to be having a dilemma on whether to agree with Yasano or stop her.

"We should just wait and see. When Rampo gave the order to call us once every day, to Dazai, it could mean he could call us one minute before midnight." The blonde sounded quite irritated.

Yasano chuckled before nodding, retreating back into her infirmary.


On Dazai's side, just as Ranpo claimed, the brunette was currently carrying files all over the place.

Mori had decided to let Dazai do easy jobs first to let him 'settle back into the mafia'. That was what Mori said but Dazai knew better than that.

However, due to his current rank in the mafia now, he won't be able to do anything now.

Well, to him, less work, less trouble so it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. He rather not do much work.

Calling Rampo was at the back of his mind. A stack of files as he balanced it on one arm as his eyes skimmed through the multiple shelves into the information room.

He sighed when he slotted one file into its proper place.

"Dazai-kun, seems like you're working hard."

The brunette sighed in irritation. He would've loved working alone, in peace.

He merely hummed, not answering as he focused on organising the current stack of files in his arms, which wasn't exactly light.

The raven haired chuckled at the hostile front the other was giving him.

Before the brunette knew it, the raven haired had taken a few files away from the brunette's arm, resulting in the brunette's balance he had to falter as Dazai quickly stabled the remaining stack of files.

He head snapped to Mori as a cold glare presented on his face.

The raven haired though not looking at the other and instead focusing on the files he had taken, commented, "That's scary Dazai-kun, stop that."

"I appreciate my personal space." The other retorted, not hesitating to snatch the files out kf the other's hand as Mori raised a brow.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to put these files back. Don't make my job more difficult."

Mori's eyes narrowed as he watched the brunette go to the oppsoite side of the shelf, continuing his organising of files.

He still had a few files at where he initially was but he couldn't stand being beside the raven haired so he decided to return to them when the other had left.

Unfortunately, it didn't seem like the other was leaving anytime soon.

He merely followed the other, observing as the brunette tried hard to focus on his current job at hand.

"It isn't nice to ignore your own boss, Dazai-kun."

"I don't acknowledge you as my boss. Just for your information, Fukuzawa is my boss."

"But you're now in the mafia, it doesn't work like that anymore."

"Whatever suits you."

The brunette scoffed.

Before the raven haired could annoy him any longer, the brunette smiled when he noticed the ginger peeking into the information room, before entering and catching a glance at the raven haired who smiled back before leaving, bidding the duo goodbye.

The brunette sighed, immediatedly passing the ginger the stack of files.

"You-I didn't come here to help you do your job!"

"Since you're here, help me do it."

Chuuya sighed before reluctantly loo though the stack of files.


Hi everyone. Sorry for the late chapter. I haven't been feeling well these few days so I apologise for not responding to anyone.

Please look forward to the next chapter😃😃😃

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