My fingers dig into his mane of hair, holding tight. My other hand slides over his back and I press my palm against it to pull up into his arms.

He growls into my skin and the hand that had been occupied with my breast scoops beneath me and supports the curve of my spine. He then pushes off the table, taking me with him. His other hand cups my backside and pulls me in.

My legs wrap around his waist, and I sink into him until I feel his hardened cock pressing against my inner thigh. A hopeful whimper escapes me as his mouth slides down to the base of my neck.

With my body supported by the embrace of his delectable arms, I dare to loosen my hold on him so I can send an exploratory hand over his shoulder and across his collarbone. Then, with a fumbling flick of my fingers, I unbutton the top of his shirt.

My whole body vibrates with the quick, pounding beats of my heart. My trembling hand sinks deeper in its mission to bare his broad chest before me so that maybe he'll return the favor.

But then everything stops.


He settles me onto the edge of the table and his hand takes hold of mine with gentle firmness.

"I'm...I'm sorry. I thought since you were, um, I thought that meant I could..."

Shit, I thought with panicked fervency. Did I cross a line?

A soft touch pushes my chin up to meet Cephias's eyes. His thumb traces my bottom lip, and he tries to offer a smile.

"Don't apologize. You did nothing wrong. I only worry that if you undress me, I might fail to restrain myself."

"Then, don't," I answer with breathy need. "Don't restrain yourself. If we are to be married, we'll have to consummate at some point."

"You've already proven your commitment to your plan." Despite the light chuckle and half-smile that accompanies his words, I can see he isn't changing his decision.

"Well, of course, I'm committed. It is a good plan, and you are far more attractive than any suitor my parents would've paired me with."

This earns me another chuckle and a proud smirk. My lips answer him with a gentle smile. I take a deep breath to calm the aftershocks of our collision and look at our situation with a clearer head.

"Is it you wish to wait until our wedding night? That is an admirable thing and I will honor it. When shall we hold the ceremony? Dragoniths and humans must both be present. Which kingdom is closest—"

"We're not getting married."

His voice lowers, and he turns his face to the fire, unable to look me in the eye.

"Excuse me?" Despite the shock rising in my voice, his adamant gaze on the flames remains. I slide off the table and circle around him so he has to meet my eyes. "Did you say we're not getting married? What was the point of all this if you weren't intending marriage?"

"The point was for you to decide what it is you want. You proved that this is something you can commit to, and that associating with someone like me isn't torture. However, we can work together on facing this foe without binding you to me."

"You will need marriage to win over the humans," I explain with a frustrated swing of my hands. "These unions are contracts to humans. Simply standing by your side and saying that you're not so bad and that we should trust you will not be enough. Humans will look like a means to the end for you and that you'll toss us the moment our usefulness is gone. You must show commitment."

"I can't do that. Not like this."

He looks over my head, and anger burns my face with enough heat to match Cephias's natural inferno.

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