Part 53

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["Mister Kim I just got to know dad's planning on kidnapping Yoon Eunseo tonight. We should hurry."]

"what?" Jin asked in a shocked voice.

["yeah. That also when she'll be coming back from work."]

"ok I'll head out right now. Thanks for informing Samyeong." he said and ran out of his house.

Locking the door, he called Hobi. "Kang MinYeong is planning on taking Eunseo. I'm going to her company take care of things there." he said getting inside his car.

["huh? Should any of us go?"]

"no there's still half an hour left for her to finish I guess because she's working overtime for Ella. I'll reach there in time."

["ok. Be careful and call us right away if anything's wrong."]

He hummed and cut the call.

Reaching near, he quickly called her. "where are you?" he asked as soon as she accepted.

["wh-what?.. I just got out out of my office building."]

"Where? I can't see you."

["huh? What are you doing here again?"]

"for god's sake just answer my questions straightly. Where the hell are you I'm in front of the gate."

Hearing his frustrated voice, she got worried and said, ["Well I'm heading to my car. I'm in the parking lot behind the building."]

"ahh! Why would you park your car there when you have such a big one underground." he said and ran towards the corner of the building to reach in lesser time.

["well I just got it painted that's why- a- what the-"]

Reaching behind the building he saw the same thing he expected.

He ran to the four man and Eunseo who was trying to pull away the man's arm which was snaked around her neck.

Them seeing him, one was about to pull a stunt but he was faster and held his hand and twisted it around and pushed him on the ground after landing a hard punch on his face.

While Eunseo kicked the one behind her on the nuts and punched him down. "aish! You guys never get any knowledge." she said kicking him for the last time while he kept on groaning on the ground.

On the other side two more guys came down from the car beside and one went for Eunseo while Jin was dealing with two.

Being good at fightings, it wasn't that hard for Jin to face them and about Eunseo?

The guy who just approached her held her wrists and started pulling her to the opposite direction while she scoffed seeing his silly act.

"I'm so sorry for doing this to an idiot human like you." she said as he turned around and in a blink of eye, she landed a great punch straight on his eye as he stumbled back holding his eye.

"tch, tch, tch.. You poor thing." she said acting pitiful and kicked on his stomach.

But the next moment she froze on her place as one of them held a knife against her throat.

"stop!" he said as Jin looked back at him. "if you do anything further, I'll finish her right away."

"You know if you do that you'll be the one finished the next moment." He said.

"you think I'll fall for your silly threat?"

"even if I don't, your boss will. Kang MinYeong or Richard Brown whoever sent you, won't like it."

He didn't say anything and just started dragging her backwards while she tried to free her hands from his grip but couldn't as he was stronger.

"stop." he said taking out his gun and pointed it at him.

The man stopping for a second seeing the gun and using the chance, Eunseo again used her foot to press hard on his as he got startled and his grip loosened. she quickly held the handle of the knife trying to take it away from her throat.

And Jin immediately walked forward and held the gun on his head from the side.

"Drop it." Jin commanded.

But he didn't so he pressed it harder on his head and said in a voice full of hatred, "If you don't drop this knife then I'll make sure to drop you down by the next second."

Getting scared, the man left the knife and Eunseo got away from him. "crazy jerks." she murmured glaring at him.

"Silently go back to your master and tell him to come and fight face to face instead of playing these little tricks." Jin said and pushed him away.

He ran to the car as the other ones who were sitting down till then also followed him.

"Let's go." Jin said and started walking to the gate.

"I should've just kicked him too. He ruined my beautiful hands." she said to her self while following him and caressing her right wrist which had red marks on it.

Getting in the car she noticed his cold face and feeling something off she asked, "are you ok?"

He turned his head to her with the same face and stared at her for some moments then suddenly held her wrist and brought it close to his eyes. "it's all red.. Did he just grab you so hard?"

"No.. My skin is just sensitive. It gets marks easily."

He gently put it back on her lap and started the engine. "You shouldn't work overtime for now- no actually I'll suggest you to not even come to work for some days. You can just work from home. It's really dangerous out here."

"if it was only mine then I'd just work from home but as Ella's absent so I need to take care of things and keep an eye on the employees.. I'll never like be an owner for sure." she said sighing.

"I or anyone of us will be with you from now.. They came to take you."

He didn't say anything and looked out through the window. "By the way.. Jin.."


"you know I was just joking back then.. But why do you really have a gun? I swear I'm not saying it in a bad way but still.. It's strange for a normal citizen to carry a gun.."

He stayed silent for a minute then said, "I'm not a normal citizen."

"Hello? Who's this?" Jungkook asked receiving the call.

["Jungkook, I'm in front of your house. Can you come out?"] Jimin's voice was heard.

"Jimin hyung?.. But what number is this?"

["I just got a new number. Now come out quick."]

"oh.. Ok.." he said and cut the call with a confused face.

"why were his words so weird?... Whatever."

He got out of the house in a moment and saw an unknown black car standing there.

He slowly walked to it thinking Jimin might be there but suddenly he felt an immense pain on the back of his head and everything blacked out in a moment.

EunSeo is talented. 👏🏻

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