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Author Pov:

It was a Beautiful Morning. 

Sun was playing hide and seek with dark grey clouds. Even though the sun was up but people were still dreaming. Nevertheless, some were awake, who have their goals to achieve. It was also gonna be a normal day but.... not in Kim Mansion.

Because two people were damn mad because of their best friend, who was supposed to spend last night with her date, came back home with her still virgin ass. They just can't believe it. Oh how much they counted on her to finally get fucked but here we are.

Now sitting on the couches in the living room. Violet sipped from her coffee while concentrating on the book in her hands clearly aware and ignoring the burning gazes of her friends. The tension in the room was so thick that she could slice it with a butter knife.

"You guys are so dumb." Lucas was the first who broke the silence. Since the moment they saw her sitting in the living room, peacefully sipping her coffee, there was complete silent. And to mention that Violet didn't gave any detailed explanation of her date, they were quite heart broken. They were more interested in her life than her *sigh* damn best friends.

"Totally agree." Luna tsked with bored expressions.

"Yah! Who fuck each other on their first date? And moreover he must be need some time to consider everything, right?" Violet exclaimed in disbelief.

"So you told him?" This time Luna asked excitedly. Both of her friends leaned towards her with excited yet curious eyes. Who was sulking a minute ago? Don't ask them, they don't know.

Violet looked at them with confused eyes, still not standing their mood swings.

"He already knew." She revealed and scoffed on her nervousness afterwards.


Violet then told them about her simple but special date with her crush -of five years actually. And of course the less she told, the more they asked and in the end they knew every single detail of her date like they were present there with popcorns and 3d glasses.

"Although what he did, I consider it as bad manners but not gonna lie, damn, he is so cool." Lucas said with a grin plastered on his lips. And Violet could swear that grin was creepy af. 

"Of course he is." Violet said proudly.

"He knew but still didn't show it. I'm impressed." Luna commented.

"Exactly and he is still ready to date you. Just wow!" 

"Oh come on. You guys are sounding like I'm not human but a beast. I'm not that cruel." Violet defended herself.

"Hahaha! YOU ARE!" Lucas and Luna scoffed at the same time making her speechless. 

They were best friends, of course they knew her better than anyone. They have seen her killing, torturing, dealing with -mafias, mobsters, gangsters, clearly stronger than her- with such capability that made her strongest than all of them. Oh they surely knew her better. 


"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS NOW!" Violet growled frustrated and banged both hand's palms on the table while standing up.

"Violet calm down. Our men are already there. Lucas is already there, handling everything. Things gonna be alright." Luna voiced out in attempt to calm her friend down.

A moment ago everything was fine. Violet was working on her laptop with her usual blank face betraying no expressions. While checking the emails from the other companies. That's when Luna came to inform her about the sudden attack of her enemies on her territory. And if that's what not made her blood to boil. 

It wasn't their attack on her territory that made her mad but the innocent people and their families living there. She knew her enemies, they were cruel, they won't think twice before killing them.

 They wanted her and she will give them death.

Because she was their death.

"Ready the jet. I'm leaving."

Luna just sighed while seeing her friend storming out of the cabin.


Jimin fell on his bed with a *plop* sound. His hairs were still wet and a robe around his delicate body. 

The first thing he did after coming home was take a hot shower. After the busy day, shower is the best option to calm your mind and ease your tensed body. 

So after taking a shower. He quickly wrapped a bathrobe around his body and dried his hairs a little before falling on his warm and welcoming bed. 

He took his phone and dialed a certain number he had been trying to reach for three days. But as the other times, the call did not answered. 

He sighed as he placed the phone on the side table and snuggled in the warm blanket. 

She didn't contact him after their first date and wasn't even answering his calls. 

Did he do something wrong? Something that she didn't like? Was that why she didn't wanna contact him? 

No that can't be the reason. She kissed him the other day, so she wasn't angry with him, right? Maybe she was just busy with her work and stuff. Yes, that can be.

Jimin thought of all the possibilities and kept the negatives aside, he just focused on the positive ones. 

A small smile on his lips and pink tint decorating his cheeks while recalling the memory of the kiss. The soft peck she left on his cheek. So gentle and light like she was touching a fragile feather. 

The memory made him blush all over again like it always did when ever he thought about that.

Hiding his face in the blanket while throwing legs in the air. He squealed loudly and hugged his pillow. Turning off the lamps and nuzzling in the comfortable bed. He closed his eyes while a cherry colour still on his cheek, unable to shoo away the beautiful memory. 

He slowly drifted off into the dream world.



Finally I updated. (>.<)

Uni being a bitch again.  (T.T)

Life is hard when you are too good. Anyways enjoy and let me know your thoughts                       

                              THANKS FOR READING.

             Quote Time:

If you don't like me and still watch everything I do

                      Bitch you are a fan💅.

Really hate those people from the bottom of my heart🔪💀.

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