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Author Pov:

In morning, Violet wokeup from her deep slumber when sunlight entered her room through curtains and fell on her face. She groaned in her sleep and hid her face in her blanket. After few minutes, she opened her eyes and blinked a few times to adjust her vision. She wasn't used to morning light besides her room was dark even darken than the room in her basement, where she tortured her enemies.

 But Anyways, she checked the time on her phone screen and it's 7:00 am. She again groaned and got up from bed keeping in mind that she had to go her home to get ready for office and that thought made her more irritated than she already was. Neverthless, she approached the dressing table and combed her long hair and then headed towards bathroom for her morning routine.

After 20min.

She came back wearing clothes that Jimin gave her last night. She checked herself in full lenght mirror and got amazed by how good his clothes look on her. 

She dried her hair and tied them in a pony tail

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She dried her hair and tied them in a pony tail. She checked herself in the mirror for the last time and left the room. 

While she was walking down the stairs, she saw that everyone was already present there and honestly that suprised her a little bit. Then her gaze fell on Jimin, who was sitting on couch like a little thief caught stealing toys.

 Then her gaze fell on Jimin, who was sitting on couch like a little thief caught stealing toys

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 She went to them and said.

Violet : Good Morning! (she said and smile a little even though she sense that strange environment around her ).

Jungkook : Good morning. Did you sleep well? (he asked giving a sweet smie to her).

Violet nodded and passed a smile.

Jin : Umm Sugarcube. You wanna tell us something about yesterday? (he asked while gesturing her to sit on the couch and after he himself sat beside Jimin).

Violet looked at Jimin with confusion written on her face. She was genuinely confused, What Jin was asking about? So she looked at Jimin to read his facial expressions but still didn't get any cue so she again looked at Jin and said.

Mr Idol and Mrs MafiaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant