My breathing started to become quick and heavy, shit Y/n stop hyperventilating and calm down! Find a way to escape, make a plan. I forced my brain to think, looking around the room more. A table half filled with torture tools while the other half with sex toys- Y/n calm down! Don't over think, you're going to get out. I sighed, a plain wooden chair, the small single tinted window, the corner- to the stairway? Nothing useful! Damn it!...

[Evan’s POV]

I compressed my anger and tried to stay calm after seeing the note, I headed out again to the backyard seeing a clear trail of boot prints. I followed the trail over the fence and to a backroad, “Steps end here.. But not the wheel tracks” a thought came to me, what- no- who took her? ‘Little bird’ my ass, she is mine… i shifted into a shadow to allow me to move quicker and to not be spotted, following the tire tracks swiftly.

After a few minutes, the tracks became harder and harder to keep sight of as it moved to concrete and I was only able to follow the barely visible dirt tracks. Soon I came to a small neighborhood, now to find out which house she was taken into, I thought to myself as I went to each house, keeping in the shadows, I looked through each window of each house. Nothing. I can't find any evidence of Y/n being in any of these houses.

As I checked the last house, I saw a man walk out of the door and passed me in the shadows. My eyes widened as I caught the scent of Y/n on him, so I quickly turned back and moved into the house quickly before the door shut. I scanned around the house, nothing out of the normal ordinary. Definitely a very lonely man, empty in fact, no books, no pictures, just plain boring shit, “He must be really old” I blankly said out loud.

[some more time later]

I groaned, maybe he just had her scent because she was still in the car! But I smell her near! I slammed my fist against the wall out of frustration, “One more scan around the house then I'll leave” I sighed out until I heard footsteps at the door, quickly shifting to a shadow and hid under a couch to blend in. “Ugh, after a long day I can finally see my little birdlittle bird..? Yeah I'm definitely at the right place then, but where is she?

The man walked to the kitchen and opened the closet door, I moved closer seeing he lifted the carpet which had a hatch door underneath!? What?! I kept as calm as I could while he opened the door which had stairways going down, of course it is a hidden basement, he's a creep. I followed him down and the first thing I saw was a table with.. Torture tools and sex toys… “I'm back birdy” the man said, I looked over seeing Y/n cuffed to the wall… my blood boiled seeing her like this, i grabbed one of the torture tools from the table, scalpel.. Not the best, but doesn't mean it won't work.

This point I wasn't invisible anymore, but since the man's back was turned to me, he didn't notice but Y/n did.

[Y/n's POV +a while ago]

I keep hearing footsteps upstairs and it's making me anxious, I don't know if it's him, or someone else.. Or Evan. But despite who it might be I still need to try to escape myself, but the damn drug is making me so light headed it's hard to get a solid thought, moving is out of the question since my body is now just sensitive as fuck now.

That's why he left, to wait until the drug was in full gear, shit. The footsteps upstairs suddenly stopped and someone else walked in, the floorboards are so thin I can hear it, two people I'm guessing?

The steps came closer and after a few seconds I heard a door creek open by the stairs and steps go down, “I'm back birdy” the man said. Fear instantly struck throughout my whole body, no one is coming to save me, I can't move, he's going to torture me, what if he kills me?!

Evan (CC) Afton X Fem. Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now