The Family

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Author's Note: I hope everyone who reads this enjoys it, and comments are welcome! I look forward to where this goes and unfolds. I hope you can overlook my mistakes as this is my first time writing. Without further ado, I welcome you on this journey!

Second Note: I am still trying to figure out the chapter size, my writing style, and flow. So let me know if you like long or short chapters, and if it is nice and pleasant to read. Thanks!!


The night was slightly cool in the early fall. Darkness had long settled on the island of Patch and the wind was slightly rustling the trees. There came a loud bang from the front door of the Rose household. The loud noise startled the inhabitants, causing them to jump.

Summer Rose, a woman of medium height with black hair that was tinted red, walked slowly to the door of their three-floor cabin while holding what looked to be some sort of mechanical ax. Her silver eyes never leaving the door, she could see her husband, Tai Xiao Long, a man with medium height and blond hair, coming from the left side, where the kitchen is located, brandishing his weapons.

As they came closer to the door, they heard what sounded like a baby crying. They went to open the door slowly, and as they did they saw a little bundle wrapped up and placed close to the door jamb. They looked around but could not see anything in the darkness that surrounded their cabin. Which was slightly nestled next to the woods in a meadow.

As their battle senses calmed, they took in the situation. That's where they noticed there was a note that was pinned to the bundle. They peered closer to the little one and saw that the child was a newborn, crying for its mother. Tai knelt and plucked the note from the fabric, while Summer lifted the child and brought him into their home.

Hello Summer and Tai,

Congratulations on getting married, and thank you for looking after our daughter Tai. I hope you can allow one more into your household as well, as I found him abandoned and alone in the dark. He needs a mother and since you are expecting soon, Congratulations again, I figured you would be the best option to watch over him. His name is Y/n.


The two looked at each other and nodded in agreement to look after him. They felt sympathy for the boy and with Yang, Raven and Tai's daughter, and the soon new arrival Ruby, the family would be complete. Summer and Tai knew that they had nothing to worry about concerning finances, between their Huntsman jobs and Tai teaching at Signal, there was nothing to worry about. The couple went on to take Y/n up the stairs to Yang's room and placed him in her crib.

Summer: "Yang, I have great news!" she whispered. "You have a new little brother that you will need to protect and watch over, and you both will need to watch over Ruby and protect her as well."

As she placed Y/n in the crib, the blond-haired baby, subconsciously in her sleep, grabbed Y/n. She put her arm around him as if to hug and protect him from the world. The couple smiled at the loving scene in from of them.

Tai was watching this and said nothing, but felt something he could not quite place. He was saddened that Raven still had not returned to be with him nor help him raise their daughter, but knew with his wife's help they would make it through. However, something still bothered him, like a gnawing feeling at the back of his mind. They took one last look at the sleeping children and headed off to bed.


{Time Skip 10 years}

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