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Life wasn't easy, nothing was just simply handed to me. I had to work for it. Despite all the money, I never saw a singular dollar.

"Park Chaeyoung!"

"Yes Dad?" The little girl rushed downstairs in a hurry, the butlers and maids watched as the older man stood in the middle of the room.

"How could you have failed your math quiz!?"

"I- I didn't understand it..."

"You have all these maids and butlers and couldn't ask any of them?!"

"But you said-"

"ENOUGH! Go to your room study! I can't even look at a disappointment."

Words cut deep, don't they? My father wasn't like any others, he was a powerful man but lacked empathy for others.

"Dad isn't here?" She held the hand of her butlers, as they walked shown up to school with her.

"He's busy, Ms. Park." Her butler says, "but I am excited to see your artwork."

"You are?"

"I know how much you like painting- I won't tell your father."

"Thank you."

The butlers became my family, more than I could ever imagine. They showered me with gifts, taught me many things, and were my father's replacements. My mother was never in the picture except for the maids, they could only fill her shoes.
I knew they all felt bad for me, their eyes could tell.

"This is Jisoo."

Her eyes met the brunette's as the two stood in front of each other, Jisoo flashed her a small smile before sticking out her hand.

"I'm Kim Jisoo."

"Park Chaeyoung."

I never got to live my life. My father took control over it, only doing the things he thought were better. I never questioned him, he didn't like being questioned. Jisoo was different.
Different in every way, it was good for me.

"I see you were having fun today." Jennie spoke as she was placing the plates away in the cupboard, she looked over at the blonde who was washing the dishes.

"Yes." Chaeyoung responded, her eyes glancing over at Jennie's.

"I don't remember seeing you smile like that." Jennie comments, "it's nice seeing you happy."

"Once again."

Chaeyoung didn't say anything but look at the running water on her fingers, her wedding ring sitting on the counter next to her.

"Jisoo has seemed to change." Jennie comments, "she's more...alive."

"She is."

"Have you told her yet?" Jennie asked.


"What, why not?"

"I don't want him to ruin her with lies again." Her hand turns off the faucet to the sink and placed the cleaned dish down, "we just got back to-"

"I don't think you should worry, she seems to have changed for the better." Jennie smiles softly, "she stood up for you against Soo ho, she never did that."

"I suppose, you know, sometimes I think Jisoo's another person." Chaeyoung comments, "like she's not from here."

"I sort of get that, but she's still the same." Jennie adds, "you better go, Jisoo might be mad if you miss game night."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, now go. Me and others will clean up."

"Thank you, Jennie."

"Anytime, Park."

The blonde slipped on her ring and walked out of the kitchen, she walks to the living room seeing her wife and a few of their butlers standing in front of the television. A microphone in Jisoo's hand as she sang on key to the song of the karaoke machine, the butler besides her also sang as they were competing against each other.

Chaeyoung couldn't help but smile as she watched Jisoo, her heart warming at the sight of her wife's infectious laughter and lively energy. She quietly slipped into the room, taking a seat on the couch beside their butler, who grinned at her in silent encouragement.

"You're just in time," Jisoo exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she caught sight of Chaeyoung. "We're having a karaoke battle, and I'm winning!"

Chaeyoung chuckled softly, feeling a sense of warmth wash over her as she listened to Jisoo's melodious voice fill the room. "I can see that," she replied, her gaze lingering fondly on her wife. "But I think I can give you a run for your money."

Jisoo raised an eyebrow playfully, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Is that a challenge, Mrs. Park?"

"It most certainly is," Chaeyoung declared with a smirk, reaching for the microphone with a newfound determination. "Get ready to be dazzled."

As the night wore on, laughter and music filled the air, banishing the shadows of Chaeyoung's past and filling her heart with a sense of joy she hadn't felt in a long time. And as she sang and danced alongside her beloved wife and their faithful butlers, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected twists and turns that had led her to this moment of pure happiness. Between songs, Chaeyoung stole glances at Jisoo, marveling at the way her eyes sparkled with joy and her laughter filled the room.

With a smile on her face, Chaeyoung bid farewell to their butlers and retired to bed with Jisoo by her side.  As they settled into bed, Chaeyoung felt a sense of peace wash over her, knowing that she was finally where she belonged. She intertwined her fingers with Jisoo's, relishing in the warmth and comfort of their shared embrace.

"Tonight was wonderful," Jisoo murmured softly, her voice filled with contentment. "I love spending time with you, Chaeyoung."

"I love spending time with you too, Jisoo," Chaeyoung replied, pressing a gentle kiss to her wife's forehead.

Jisoo snuggled closer, resting her head on Chaeyoung's chest as they lay together in the quiet darkness of their bedroom. "I'm glad we found each other," she whispered, her words filled with sincerity.

"Me too," Chaeyoung whispered back, "I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world."

The ParksOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara