3. Lunch

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When you're having lunch with your killer and terrible family, who knew how awkward it could be? At least for Jisoo, it could've been worse.

Sitting there besides her wife as her sister and Soo-ho were across from them, her parents at opposite ends of the table. Jisoo was having a decent chat with her father before Soo-ho budded in and ruined it, pushing her out of the conversation.

"So Chaeyoung, I hear you are planning to go into retirement." Her mother asked causing the blonde to look up from her food.

"Yes, I am."

"Don't you think you're a little too young? After all, you did marry early as well." What the hell was this lady trying to say?

"I am financially stable and could take care of your daughter, we both talked about this and we would see what happens in the future." Chaeyoung replied with a nod.

"Jisoo's always alone in this house, how could you take care of her?" Soo-ho pipes in.

"I wasn't having a conversation with you." Chaeyoung looked over at him, "was I?" Her eyes seemed to glare at him.

"I'm just curious." He raised his arms up, "She's always talking about how she's alone and wished for some company."

"Soo-ho that's enough." Jisoo says, "you'll not be talking to my wife that way."

"Fine." The man crossed his arms in a huff.

Lunch took an unpleasant turn, even the maids could feel the shift in the air. The tension turned thick for once to cut, nobody dared to cut it.
Jisoo only chatted with her father about topics she remembered he liked, to which it was the same here.

Back then, her father wouldn't dare to speak a word with her. He didn't even like her. Jisoo remembered how much he changed and would love her step sister than her, that spoiled little brat.
He had forgotten all about her.
She could only hear how much he loved her step sister, hell, he even yelled it to her.

Talking to him now felt weird. Jisoo didn't know how to maintain a conversation with him, it was like talking a stanger for the first time. Well...In a way he was and wasn't.

When it became 4, lunch neared it's end. Jisoo walked her family out while Chaeyoung stood inside, the blonde seemed to have refused. She hugged each of her family goodbye knowing what backstabbing jerks they were, only she wanted to cherish a moment like this.

A final moment.

"If you ever need company, I'm always a call away." Soo-ho approached her.

"I believe I don't." Jisoo's smile dropped instantly.

"Come on, you're really going to side with her?" He asked.

"She's my wife."

"She doesn't even love you." He pointed out, "not once did she try and talk to you!"

"Sometimes we don't need to talk, not everyone needs to talk. Especially us, I'm done talking with you about my life." Jisoo snaps at him.

"Fine, I'll let this slide for you." His hand touched the side of her face, "just know, I meant what I said."

"My sister is your only priority, not me." Jisoo backed away, "so stop acting like she doesn't exist."

With waving a goodbye where her family's car left, a sigh of relief left her mouth causing her to shake her head in utter disbelief. Even here they are still messy.

The front door closed and Jisoo couldn't help but feel relaxed, her head touched the door and her eyes closed in relief.

"Are they gone?"


"I see." Chaeyoung stood there across with a look of uncertainty, to which Jisoo couldn't see.

"I'm sorry for what Soo-ho said, he's jealous." Jisoo replied, opening her eyes now. "He's always been a jealous man."

"Do you..." She paused, "do you feel lonely here?"

Jisoo's head lifted against the door and looked back at her wife, she could see how the blonde seemed to be uncomfortable.

What could she say? She's only been here for a few hours now!

"Sometimes." Jisoo replied, "but I don't mind! I know how busy things can get" She quickly adds.

"Besides you're here right now, that's all that matters." Jisoo smiled over at her.

"I see."

"Don't stress about it, okay?"


It was easy to say that when things don't effect her, Jisoo knew this. Chaeyoung won't be effected when the plan begins. Or so she would think.

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