14. Brunch

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As the sound of pages being flipped resonated throughout the bedroom, Chaeyoung sat there, a book in one hand, while the other gently ran through the hair of her wife, Jisoo. The peaceful scene unfolded as Chaeyoung quietly closed her book and gazed down at Jisoo, who was sound asleep, her head resting on Chaeyoung's chest, and her arms wrapped securely around her waist. Carefully placing her book on the nightstand, Chaeyoung watched carefully as Jisoo slept, her heart filled with contentment and... something else. It was a routine they recently shared, with Jisoo always seeking the comfort of her wife's embrace before drifting off to sleep.

The following morning ushered in a brunch event hosted at their house, where guests arrived in warm welcomes from the maids. Amidst the festivities, Chaeyoung and Jisoo found themselves outside, away from the crowd, surrounded by vibrant red candy roses out in the back. With a slight frown marring her features,

"I'm bored" Jisoo confesses to her wife.

The blonde looked at her with uncertain gaze, "You are bored?" she asked curiously. "We could go back inside-"

"No, they're boring too!" Jisoo complained while letting go of her wife's arm.

"What shall I do then?" The blonde watched as her wife stood up from the bench, the girl in white walks down the stairs to the flowers. "Shall we look at the flowers?" She offered.

Jisoo didn't respond. Instead, she stood by the flowers with a slight grin. Chaeyoung looked at her with confusion before the brunette suddenly bent down and grabbed a glob of dirty in her hands, she quickly stood up and smeared it against the white suit that was the blondes.

"Boy, if we weren't married," Chaeyoung murmured, her eyes widening in disbelief at the sight of her now-stained suit.

Jisoo burst into laughter, unable to contain her amusement at her impish prank. In a spontaneous display of affection, Chaeyoung enveloped Jisoo in a tight embrace, their laughter mingling in the air. The playful exchange escalated as Chaeyoung retaliated, smudging dirt onto Jisoo's face, eliciting squeals of protest from the brunette. Outside, the laughter of the couple echoed, drawing the curiosity of the guests indoors. Peering through the window, they witnessed the heartwarming sight of Chaeyoung and Jisoo engaged in a spirited dirt fight, their joy infectious and undeniable.

For a moment, the somber atmosphere of the house seemed to lift, replaced by an aura of lightness and joy. Observing the scene from within, Jennie smiled knowingly, recognizing the transformative effect of love and laughter within their home. With a renewed sense of warmth and camaraderie, the guests returned to the festivities, their hearts uplifted by the simple yet profound display of affection between Chaeyoung and Jisoo.

Observing the scene from within, Jennie smiled knowingly. 

Something was changed in the household.

"I'm sorry for not arriving so soon."

"I hope you can forgive me."

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