A Family

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The family looked at each other with sad looks, they sat in the waiting room with silence amongst them. The hospital was rather quiet today, the father held his wife's hand waiting patiently.

"Will Unnie be okay?" The stepdaughter asked with emotion laced in her voice.

"I think." Her mom says with a blank look, "She'll be fine."

"Soo-ho is paying his visit." Her father adds, "Poor boy."

I should've known.

The room was noisy with the machines beeping behind the sleeping girl, standing from across the man stood there with dull eyes. He walked over with a slight grin on his face,

"You know, it's weird seeing you like this." He says, "Seeing your wife laying on her death bed."

"Or should I say ex-wife?" He asked.

His hands reached over to the machines, fingers grazing the buttons and nobs. He glanced down at the girl before pushing a button one by one,

"You know, you're mother helped me with the papers." He smiles, "I never loved you, but not even you could tell."

"I'm a great actor, aren't I?"

A fool.

"I never loved you Jisoo-ya, I love your sister instead." He laughs, "And you're the father? He's giving me the company so thanks."

"You know, you are just dead weight to us." He sneered, "Nobody cares for an adopted child, a child that nobody can love. So why don't you do us a favor?"


The machines turned off before his hand pulled the plug, and the machines flatline before he pulled in the machines again. The girl lying on the bed took her last breath before staying still, Soo-ho watched with a wide grin before turning around and walking out.

His grim turns into a panicked look before shouting for help, the doctors and nurses rushed over to him in a hurry. He breaks down and points at the room with tears in his eyes, the professionals enter the room seeing the forever-sleeping girl.

You bastards.

"Family of Kim Jisoo?"

The three stood up with sad expressions, fake, they looked over at Soo-ho and the doctor.

"I'm sorry, you're daughter has sadly passed away."


"-Very well, we shall pay our respects then." The stepmother smiles, "Come on, everyone." She took big steps to walk over to Soo-ho.

The boy looked down at the lady with a sly grin, the lady smirked before walking down the hallway with him.

I wish I could get revenge, for how I was treated and toyed with. If I could come back in the next life and make you all suffer is all I ask.
Make all of you kneel to me.
To kiss the dirt on my shoes.

I vow to get my revenge.

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