S2-Ep. 5.5 (R) - So What You're Saying Is...

Start from the beginning

Fiona throws her head back and scoffs. "Ha!" She is soooo regretting apologizing to him right now! With a huff, she crosses her arms over her chest." Well, Cameron, if you're the standard for genius around here, I suspect we might be in more trouble than I thought."

"Oh! That's a good one!" Cameron snorts in response. Then, he cracks another smile. "Maybe we should just divvy up the paper and work on our own? Piece it together on Sunday."

"I think that's a great idea!" Fiona huffs out.

"Great!" Cameron stands, smacking his palms on the table.

"Fantastic!" Fiona leans in, her voice edged with sarcasm.

"Perfect!!" Cameron mirrors her stance, sneering back at her.

"Brilliant!!!" Fiona gets in his face, refusing to back down, and their eyes lock in a silent battle of wills, their breaths ragged from the intensity of their argument.

And in the heated silence, Cameron's gaze dips to Fiona's rosy red lips, and his stomach clenches as a wave of desire engulfs him.

He sucks in a breath and swallows hard to stifle the groan trying to escape him.

Fiona, breathless and panting, looks up and notices that Cameron's eyes aren't just blue, they're sparkling blue with green striations and dark black circles ringing the irises. They're intense and tempestuous, like a stormy ocean, and with those long, thick lashes, by all the gods, they're gorgeous!

Her breath hitches, and before she can stop herself, she's leaning in and rising up onto her toes slowly... slowly... slowly... the world around them ceasing to exist as Cameron's lips part and his face dips closer to hers.

And then...

Fiona gasps and jerks back, retreating as if physically burnt by the tension crackling between them.

What the hell is going on here?!

She takes a big step backwards, and frustrated, growls, her hands flying up by her sides. "Ugh! I can't take this anymore! You're insufferable!"

Cameron takes a step back as well, breathless, his heart thudding in his chest like a drum.

Okay... not sure what happened there, but he's willing to admit, that in the heat of the moment, he was really, really tempted to kiss her. But was he right in thinking that Fiona wanted to kiss him as well?!

Fiona whips around and starts to walk away. Then, she recalls just how arrogant Cameron was being before she'd momentarily lost her head and decides that it's time she put that boy in his place.

So, she turns on her heels and marches back to the table. Looking down at Cameron's open books and scattered notes, she jabs a finger at his notebook and says, "Just so you know, it was the Sanguinarium not the Sanitarium that sparked the rebellion among Vampyrs. The leader of Shifter resistance was Franklin Stillwater not Franklin Wells." And then pausing for effect, she adds with a smirk, "And you misspelled 'hegemony,' genius."

And with that, Fiona turns and walks away leaving Cameron speechless and shell-shocked in her wake.


Aidan and Jake are sitting on the green lawn surrounding the Longan Tree that sits in the middle of the academy courtyard.

"Do you think we should wait for Sebastian before we divvy up Master Liu's assignment? He said he'd be here, but he's already fifteen minutes late."

"Look," Jake replies calmly, "all I know is that I don't have the time or the energy to read up on a hundred and fifty years' worth of Otherworlder economic history. Seriously, I was ten years in before my head hit the desk. So..." Jake leans back and rests his forearms on the grass and says, "I'll make you a deal. Why don't you get started on the chapters and take good notes. Then Sebastian and I can work on actually writing the report?"

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