The Site

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(dates SKZ wanted by EXO not counting Chinese members just the current 8 and AESPA also wants her close friends with ATZ and looked down on by Blackpink and BTS who want her but deny their attraction but they also want to use her and abuse her so mostly they want her as their sex slave)

Name: Alynneah
Age: 26
Human/Wolf: human
Male/Female/Other: female
How did you find this site?: ATEEZ pack their friends are the ones that made this site told about it by Wooyoung specifically
All male pack/All female pack/ mix: either of them are fine love has no gender
Straight/Bi/Pan/Trans/Lesbian/Gay/Asexual/Androgynous: Bi/Pan
Other information:
•never been in a poly relationship
•never been with a girl
•open minded

Only for your compatible pack
Private information:
never experimented with girls but have had a crush on one
•never been on a date
•only had those highschool "boyfriends" where you ask someone out and then you are "boyfriend and girlfriend"
•best friends ATZ pack met because Hongjoong's brother worked with my sister and they started dating and the siblings were introduced to the other and I was introduced to his pack too been friends for 11 years

Alynneah (mostly known as Lynna) posted her profile and picture and waited. A minute later Woosansang walked through the door.
"Have you done it yet, Noona?" -Woo
"Yes, pup. Come here, Pumpkin!"She made grabby hands at Yeosang. She has a nickname for all of them but she spent the most time with either the trio or Hongjoong. The others do come by to hang out but those four are her most frequent visitors. Hongjoong is Dragon, Jongho is Baby Bear, Seongwha is Mama Bear, Mingi is Bunny, San is Kit, Wooyoung is Pup, Yunho is Giant, and Yeosang is Pumpkin. While Yeosang gave her a smile making his way to cuddle the other two stand there pouting. As soon as Yeosang laid his head on her stomach she called the other two wolves over. They got to talking to her about all the possible matches she could get.
At the SKZ's Pack House
Minho came up on a new profile surprised by what he saw. He called his mates over and had them read the profile.

Name: Alynneah
Age: 26
Human/Wolf: human
Male/Female/Other: female
How did you find this site?: ATEEZ pack their friends are the ones that made this site told about it by Wooyoung specifically
All male pack/All female pack/ mix: either of them are fine love has no gender
Straight/Bi/Pan/Trans/Lesbian/Gay/Asexual/Androgynous: Bi/Pan
Other information:
•never been in a poly relationship
•never been with a girl
•open minded

Only for your compatible pack
Private information:
never experimented with girls but have had a crush on one
•never been on a date
•only had those highschool "boyfriends" where you ask someone out and then you are "boyfriend and girlfriend"
•best friends ATZ pack met because Hongjoong's brother worked with my sister and they started dating and the siblings were introduced to the other and I was introduced to his pack too been friends for 11 years

"She's perfect! Hey, it says she's friends with Hongjoong-hyung! And Wooyoung! She must have been the young woman he tried setting us up with!"Han said.
"Let's just call Wooyoung why don't we?"Changbin said calling his friend.
Back at Lynna's
Wooyoung's phone rang and he grinned answering it. He put it on speaker.
"Hey, Binnie. I'm guessing you found Alynneah's profile?"
"Hold on, Wooyoung! You annoyed the shit out of me to make a profile so you could set me up with your friend's pack?"
"Oh, is she there with you?"
"The Woosansang trio are at my apartment actually. I'm assuming when Wooyoung visits you he just waltzes in like he owns the place."
"Oh. Honestly, Woo has tried setting us up before. With you I mean. We have only been looking for someone else for about a month. We would like to meet you though."
"Sure. We can meet at ATZ's place? As often as they barge into my apartment I can barge into their pack house. When did you want to meet?"
"Today? 5 sound good?"
"Sure see ya then."
"See you then."
It worked! They found her profile and want to meet her! She is going to use our house as a meeting spot at 5 today. (Woo)
That's great! I hope this was the right thing to do. I know they would be good together. First we have to get her to realize how lovable she actually is. (Hwa)
"I'm so excited!"Felix giggled. The boys looked at their mate fondly. Jeongin grinned too.
"I just hope she's not a spoiled brat or something." Seungmin sneered.
"I would rather be able to spoil her like I spoil you all." Changbin said.
They were walking towards the ATZ pack house. They were pretty excited but also very nervous. They have seen about 20 or so humans and she-wolves who were horrible especially to Jeongin and Han. A few minutes later they were at the pack house and before they could knock San opened the door pulling them inside.
"Dragon, did you have to tell them? Now they're going to try and intimidate them! Why? You know how embarrassing they can be!"They heard a girl whine.
"Amin is here? Haven't seen him in a year!"Chan said.
"Wait, guys! You're the pack meeting my little sis?"Jaynie asked as she came out of the kitchen for hugs.
"Alynneah is your sister?" Chan was surprised.
"Call me Lynna please."A pretty young woman walked into the living room with Wooyoung and San on her arms. They were in awe of the pretty human they saw.
"That's adorable. You look like a fox!"She smiled at Innie giggling when he pouted. She was about to greet them when the sunshine twins surprise hug attacked her. They fell to the floor in a heap of adorable giggles. The SKZ pack watched on in fondness. They already knew she was exactly what they had been looking for in a partner. The trio got up from the floor with cute smiles.
"Would you be willing to move in with us? We have a room set up for our future partner so you'd have your own room and we could get to know each other besides just dates."Seungmin suggested.
Jaynie and Amin looked at him like he was insane, ATZ were impressed, the other SKZ turned towards Lynna with hopeful eyes, and she was looking thoughtful.
"Well, if my family already knows and trusts you I don't see anything wrong with getting to know you more. I don't being roommates for now."Lynna said. Minho and Seungmin smirked. Chan, Changbin, Jisung, Felix, and Jeongin grinned. Jeongin ran to her picking her up and spinning her around before hugging her and lightly scenting her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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