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My phone dinged as i turned off the stove. I moved off from my stove and grabbed my phone to see it was Hanni. I smiled, did Minji fginallay break up with her so I could get her? I opened the message and saw that Hanni was coming over. Oh, so it does seem like they broke up? I can finally tell Hanni how I'm better than Minji. In everything.

I quickly put my food onto a plate, grabbing a few bottles of liquor. Just like the night of the party I'll fuck her again once she's really drunk and cant control herself, ill make her fall in love with me, ill make her pick you over me, Minji. Just watch, I have my ways. I said silently.


I slammed my car door shut and instantly drove out of Minji's drive way. I was so fucking pissed that I didn't even think twice of my actions with Bangchan. She should understand that Bangchan is nothing to me but a friend, that's final.

I sped over to the stop sign and turned right. going straight for around 3 more miles before turning into Bangchan's neighborhood. I arrived in front of his house after a few left and rights. I yanked the car door open and locked it. As I walked into his house I was instantly greeted with a hug. I didn't hug him back tho since I was in a bad mood.

"Why, what's wrong?" Bangchan pulled back as he still had his hands on my shoulders and looked at my eyes. We held eye contact as I gently put his arms down. "I'm fine, it's just, something between Minji and me." Bangchan grinned for a slight second.

"Well, do you wanna have dinner and talk about it?" He walked to two plates of noodles and i nodded. We sat down and started eating. "So, what's happening?" Bangchan stuffed some food in his mouth. "Well, it started because Minji thought you were getting a little bit too close. We argued for around 10 minutes and I kept telling her you were nothing but a friend. Minji kept on telling me to spit out the truth 'cause it doesn't feel that way, we started getting louder till Hyein and their mom heard us and I stormed out." I played with my food for a little bit.

"well, Minji has always been like this to a few people. She's not a good girlfriend, Hanni." Bangchan stared at my eyes. I didn't believe him, "No she isn't, it's my fault. It's all my fault, I should've let you get too close to me." I dropped my fork. "Hey, hey, it's okay. Minji doesn't understand our bond." Bangchan places his hand on my knee.

"Do you want to drink to get all the thoughts out of your head?" Bangchan stands up and into a cabinet and grabs two glasses and a bottle of liquor. He pours me a glass as he pours himself one aswell.

We clashed our glasses together as we both chugged it down. Bangchan kept pouring more drinks for a little bit and I got confused cause I didn t want anymore but was to scared to refuse for some reason. 

Soon enough both of us got drunk, But it seemed like Bangchan was more hangover than me. I sat down on the counter until Bangchan smirked. He went up to me and put his hands on both of the sides of the counter where I was sitting. 

"What are you doing?" I move back a little he moves forward. Bangchan grabs my chin and moves me closer into a kiss. I slapped him once we were inches apart and I had time to process. "What the fuck are you doing?" I jumped down from the counter.

"Awh, Playing hard to get?" Bangchan opens his hand while he moves closer and I move back. "I'm not playing hard to get, I'm moving away from you. You should know I have a girlfriend and be respectful of that!" I raised my voice as his smile turned into anger.

"Just admit it, I'm better than Minji, ill treat you better, All Minji will ever be is a worthless person, a bitch who will always leave you. Someone who will always try to start a problem and manipulate you. A person who will only make you feel bad about yourself!" Bangchan yelled back while trying to grab my hand. I smacked it back tho.

"You don't even know Minji! I thought you were her best friend huh? Her childhood friend! Minji is better than your drunk ass, all you'll ever be is a sidekick to Minji, A second choice to everyone in a black dragon! You're the most disliked leader in the whole gang causing you to force your members too much! I can't believe I was ever your friend." I slapped him as hard as I could.

A mark started forming as he gripped my arm. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Hey, Bangch-" Sunghoon opened the door and looked at us when Bangchan was about to hit me. He dropped everything he was holding and tackled Bangchan on the floor. "What the fuck are you doing?" Sunghoon grips Bangchan's neck. "Hanni, go to my motorcycle. I'll drop you off at your house." Sunghoon punches Bangchan and Bangchan passes out.

I ran to Sunghoon's bike as my wrist started getting red, Bangchan's grip was hard, I admitted. Sunghoon barged out of the house. "Are you okay, did he hit you?" He grabs my wrist as his eyes light up to the grip mark that Bangchan did to me. "Does it hurt?" Sunghoon looked up at me as I nodded to the left and right, "only a bit."

"Okay then." Sunghoon handed me his helmet as he hopped onto his bike. "You wanna go home right?" He started the bike. "Chaewon's house, please," I asked politely as he nodded and backed up.

He started speeding a lot as he turned out of Bangchan's neighborhood. Chaewon's house was around 2 minutes away. Sunghoon swerved into multiple lanes to get past the cars. He then took a sharp turn into Chaewon's neighborhood.

Sunghoon slowed down a bit as he took more lefts and rights to Chaewon's house. We finally arrived. I instantly jumped out as Sunghoon put his kickstand down. Sunghoon soon followed me and knocked on Chaewon's door, after a few minutes, Chae answered and saw me. "Hey, Sunghoon and Hanni. What's wrong?" Chaewon saw the frown on my face and immediately hugged me as I buried my face on her shoulder.

"Well, Bangchan tried to have sex with Hanni, They were both drunk so. But Hanni had little control of her body, and so did Bangchan. Luckily, Hanni did the right thing and stalled bangchan. But Bangchan got aggressive and gripped her wrist hard. Did anything else happen, Hanni?" Sunghoon put his hand on my shoulder and I felt Chaewon get angry. "That son of a bitch, I swear, ill beat him up," Chaewon said in a demanding tone.

I raised my head and answered Sunghoon's question. "I kept on refusing when he tried to kiss me, but he kept insisting and it turned out into a big fight." I laid my chin on Chae's shoulder. "well then, we'll show who bangchan was messing with, don't worry hanni, you're safe now. I'll tell the others to keep an eye on you soon or tomorrow." Sunghoon walked back to his motorcycle and waved.

"let's go in hanni, it looks like you need some rest." Chaewon held my hand as she walked me inside, closing the door behind us. "Go take a shower if you haven't yet, and go to my room after. You can sleep on my bed, I don't mind sleeping on the floor today." Chae looked at me. "Just do whatever you want to make you forget that that ever happened." She smiles as I hug her.


I watch Hanni go upstairs as I pull my phone out and text Bangchan. "what the fuck is wrong with you? You for real messed up, big time." I then exited the chat with bangchan and moved on to tell Minji all about this. Minji told me to call her and I did.

"So you're telling me when Hanni went to Bangchan's house, they got drunk, and bangchan tried to kiss Hanni, but she refused so Bangchan got violent and gripped Hanni hard causing a mark on her?" Minji said in an angry tone. "Yup," I replied, checking on hanni who she was sleeping.

"I'm so gonna beat him up tomorrow." I heard Minji's tone get deeper as I laughed. If so," I wanna join." I answered. "Well, I'm gonna go to sleep now minji. Goodnight." I laid a blanket on the floor, aswell as a pillow, and grabbed another blanket, wrapping it around me and I ended the call when Minji said bye.

A few seconds later, I fell asleep.

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