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EIGHT | 8——————————september 2 1993 | thursday

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september 2 1993 | thursday

lizzie didn't want to leave her sister in that state but they both had classes to get to. so when the school day ended, she ran up to the gryffindor common room to make sure she was ok. and she had an idea to make her feel better.

once she made it up to the fat lady, she spoke their password, which she had gotten off of her sister. the fat lady knows lizzie all to well. she used to try and get into the common room everyday in first year but was hushed away every time. but after a while, the fat lady just stopped caring and let her in. "elizabeth, back so soon?"

"of course fat lady. i've missed you"

"and i haven't missed you annoying me to let you in. well, go on then" and with that, she opened the gryffindor common room door and lizzie quietly rushed in. she was immediately stopped at the common room entrance by the weasley twins.

"lizzie. what brings you here on this fine day" the older twin smirked down at her. since the red heads where around six feet two and lizzie was five feet five, they were always looking down at her, which annoyed her.

"boys" lizzie moaned, trying to walk past them but they close the gap between them. "wow liz. what's the attitude for?"

"yeah, what's the attitude for liz?" george copied his brother.

"oh i don't know. the fact that you two idiots poured water all over kat even when you know she has a fear of it." lizzie was really mad at them for doing that. the pranks they usually pull on kat were always harmless and actually funny but this one was too fair.

"well, come on. it was funny" george giggled with a huge smile. "yeah it was funny"

"it really wasn't lads" the hufflepuff was not impressed, folding her arms over her chest.

"well it really isn't our fault" fred explained with a shrug. lizzie couldn't believe what she just heard. "i'm sorry!?"

"yeah, you see lizzie. we intended for that bucket of water to fall on our younger brother, ron. but when you sister walked out before him, it hit her instead of him" george continued for him.

"so you're blaming kat for your prank?" the girl raised her eyebrows, pointing at the twins. "well, when you put it like that-"

she didn't what to hear the end of that sentence, so lizzie walked pasted them and climbed up the stairs of the boys dormitories. but she was met with grayson and his roommate adam coming down them. "lizzie! what the hell are you doing here?"

with the look of shock on her brothers face, he didn't expect to see her in his common room. "why you shocked? i'm over here all the time gray" which is true. lizzie almost lives in the gryffindor doors. if it's not, in her sisters dorm. it's in her brothers. and sometimes the twins.

"no i mean, here. on the stairs to the boys dormitories. taking note of the BOYS" grayson argued. he's first taught was, she was coming to see him but there was no reason for that so then he thought maybe she was going to another boy's dorm.

"calm down gray. don't get you knickers in a twist" lizzie laughed at her brothers annoyance, holding onto the banister, to make sure she doesn't fall.

adam, who was being quiet this whole time because he thought that this was a family matter, started to giggle at her statement, but got a death stare off of his friend. he through his hands in the air. "what!? it was funny"

"ok. i'm going up to see harry" she finally said, hoping her brother would leave her alone now, but of course he didn't.

"harry potter?" he questioned, raising his eyebrows. "no cousin harry. of course it's harry potter!"

"i knew that!" grayson quickly spoke. but then thought "wait, why?"

"doesn't matter. now it you would excuse me" lizzie quickly squeezed past the two gryffindors and continued up the stairs. lizzie never forgets her friends dorm numbers. so when she walked up to 13d, she knew she was at the right place. lizzie knocked quietly. it took a few moments but harry quickly opened the door, a bit shocked to seeker but happy too. "lizzie! hey"

"hey harry. wow. you have gotten taller" she smiled, making the boy blush.

"can you not flirt with my friend?" the voice came from behind harry. once she had walked into the dorm, she could see that the voice belonged to her cousin ben. "lovely to see you too benny"

"what are you here for cousin?" he asked, still lying on his bed surrounded by all the sweets lizzie got him. "i'm here to ask for a favour"

the older girl has asked harry for his invisibility cloak before so it wasn't really a surprise to him. "is it the usual favour?" he hinted, almost certain it was for his cloak.

"yes" she confirmed. "would you mind if i have a loan of it for today?"

"yeah of course" harry smiled, leaving to go grab it.

"well, what do you want with his cloak this time?" her cousin questioned, shoving a hand full of jelly beans into his mouth "well, i'm sure you know about kat getting pranked by the twins today"

"oh yeah. how is she? we all know she hates water" he pointed out.

"yeah. not to bad. so i'm gonna go get rosa and cora and try to make her feel better, you know" lizzie shrugged. kat always loved when the four cousins would spend time together since they're so close. "good idea"

"here you go. and please don't let the twins get a hold of it" harry begged because he knew if they got it, they would use it to do pranks and harry would never get it back.

"thanks and yes i promise" lizzie replied with a nod.she said her goodbyes and left the boys dormitories and was about to go up to the girls dormitories when she heard someone clear their throat. elizabeth knew that was grayson just by that sound. "are you stalking me now brother?"

"no, i was just making sure you were really seeing harry. but now I do since you have his cloak" the older twin spoke, standing up form his sit.

"what? who else would i be seeing?" she questioned, confused on what her brother was trying to say. "i don't know? maybe you got yourself a boyfriend?"

"what? no. and who the hell would i be dating gray?" she raised her eyebrows in question. lizzie has only had one real boyfriend, danny, a slytherin and we don't talk about him. he broke her heart so bad that she wouldn't leave her dorm but cedric was there for her the whole time. of course he was happy about it but knew his friend was upset and he shouldn't get to carried away.

"i dont know. maybe one of the twins?" he shrugged.

"ew, no. grayson" she yelled. "what?"

"ok, i'm walking away from this conversation" lizzie sighed, walking up the stairs to the girls dormitories with her brother yelling her name.


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