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TWO | 2——————————september 1 1993 | wednesday

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TWO | 2
september 1 1993 | wednesday

elizabeth always loved the train rides to her second home. although she dislikes the length of time it takes to arrive to hogwarts, she likes the long talks she has with her friends and the fun things they do for the seven hours.

they would usually play muggle chess, they love to talk about their summers and they mostly just eat a lot of sweets from the hogwarts express trolley. she would start to miss her parents but she would always remember she can sent them a letter when she arrives at hogwarts.

"hello fellow wizards" amber, begin her loud and dramatic self, made her entrance into the compartment with too many bags to count. this is almost expected of her every year, that she would bring way to much stuff that she actually needed.

"hey..amber...what's with all the bags" elizabeth expressed her shock. which was a stupid question cause lizzie knew what was in all those bags.

"what... i needed all my heels. you know how much I love my heels" which was true, they did. but that didn't mean she needed them all for the school year.

"you're not even allowed wear them with your uniform" cedric noted as prefect which got amber annoyed. he would always tell her off because of them last year but now he's a prefect, she can actually get in trouble by cedric. but he would never do that to her.

"ok mister prefect...but i'm still gonna wear them" she declared and was annoyed at cedric's point. "anyway, have you guys seen..?"

but before she finished her sentence, two bodies came into the compartment, in a heated argument. stella and matthew were having a chat about if the color orange came first or the fruit?

"what's the matter with you two?" elizabeth questioned. it wasn't unusual for the two to start an argument about something stupid.

"matt is trying to tell me that orange the colour came before the fruit. the fruit obviously came first..right?" stella asked the group while matt was making silly faces as she talked. "stop it matthew"

"hey! don't use my full name. anyway obviously the colour came first..right lizzie?" he pleaded, trying to convince everyone he knew the answer.

lizzie hesitated to answer because she felt so bad for matthew. he would always be called 'the dumb one' so for him this was to show how smart he is. "I'm so sorry matty but stella's right"

"..oh. o-ok" he signed as he crossed his arms over each other and just stared out the window. he felt embarrassed for being wrong, especially being wrong in front of his friends.

"anyways.." amber began to speak. "now we're only waiting on diego"

"the slow one" stella commented as she rolled her eyes. "how is he always getting lost?"

"hey! it's not his fault" elizabeth protested. although she knew that it was kind of right. he would always get lost around the castle so they never let him go anywhere by himself.

"no it is his fault" amber laughed along with stella, which made lizzie feel bad for diego but she couldn't deny that it was true. "i'm gonna go find him before the train goes"

"i'll go with you" cedric smiled as he began to stand up but elizabeth intervened. "no it's fine ced, i'll be quick anyway"

lizzie opened the compartment door and quick closed it to take a quick look around to see if she could see her friend. she turned left and walked down the hall of the train. quick, she heard a lot of voices ahead of her so she continued to walk until she spotted diego with a group of slytherins. it seemed like diego was very uncomfortable so elizabeth immediately intervened.

"hey! leave him alone" she yelled as the boys turned to look at her. diego looked so relieved to have seen her.

"if we don't. what are you gonna do about it princess?" marcus flint smirked. he and lizzie never got along at hogwarts. he would always bully someone and she would have to intervene.

"well, I wouldn't think you'll want me to give you a box cause you know I can punch, from your experience. right marcus" now elizabeth was the one smirking and flint was looking a bit scared but he'd never admit that. "that's what i thought. come on diego"

she quickly took his hand and started to walk fast back to their compartment."you're just a bitch rose" flint yelled at her with an angry expression on him.

"that's the point genius" she laughed as that was when they made it back to their compartment.


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