Chapter 11 - Adam

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An Hour Earlier:

Adam found himself sitting in Starbucks, nursing his Cold Brew coffee, his mind lost in a swirl of thoughts and emotions. The sweet taste of the caramel made him wish for the sweetness he had in his life a couple of weeks back when he was with his girlfriend Sarah. He couldn't understand why she had ended their relationship so abruptly, without giving him a chance to understand or to work through their issues together.

He picked up his iPhone from the wooden table and unlocked it, tapping and swiping until he reached the text conversation between him and Sarah.

"Hey Babe, we need to talk. Im going through a lot right now. Sorry, I haven't been a better girlfriend. I can't be there for you when you need me, and it's too much stress right now. Especially having to hide it from everyone such as Eva and Maddy. I think we should take a break for a bit, and catch up later. Love you. Bye"

That was all she had said. She hadn't followed it up with anything, and he hadn't seen her since. they did go to separate schools. He went to a mixed school and she went to an all-girls school. and it was in different areas of town. Maybe she would walk into the coffee shop right now as he was sitting there, and they could have a heart-to-heart talk about it.

Maybe she would explain what she meant or maybe not. He'd wait a couple more days to see if she'd hit him up with a text or something, otherwise, he'd move on.

As he sat there, sketching absentmindedly in his notebook, memories of their time together flooded his mind. He recalled the laughter they shared, the deep conversations that lasted late into the night, and the comforting feeling of having someone by his side.

But when his father's abusive behavior escalated and his mother finally decided to leave, Adam had needed Sarah more than ever. He had needed her understanding, her support, her love. And yet, she had chosen that exact moment to walk away.

The confusion still lingered within him. He wondered if he had done something wrong if he had failed to meet her expectations. He yearned for closure. He longed to pour out his frustrations and fears, to have her by his side as he navigated the painful process of healing and rebuilding his life.

But instead, he was left with a void, an ache that seemed to grow deeper with each passing day. He had tried to move on, to focus on himself, but his heart still held onto the hope of reconciliation.

He put his phone back down, face up, open to the chat, and stared wistfully out the window. His attention was caught by the sight of a sleek, black luxury car gliding to a stop right in front of the café.

Curiosity piqued, Adam's gaze followed the well-dressed businessman who emerged from the car. The man exuded an air of confidence, his tailored suit perfectly accentuating his stature. His polished shoes tapped against the pavement as he stepped out, revealing a sense of purpose and determination.

The car itself was a sight to behold. Its flawless, glossy exterior shimmered under the sunlight, reflecting the world around it like a mirror. The smooth lines and curves of the vehicle hinted at its high-end craftsmanship, and the glint of chrome accents added a touch of sophistication.

Adam couldn't help but marvel at the level of luxury embodied by the car and the successful businessman who now stood beside it. It seemed worlds away from his own current reality, where he was grappling with personal challenges and the uncertainties of life.

Lost in his thoughts, Adam briefly entertained the idea of what it might be like to have such a seemingly effortless existence, free from the weight of his current circumstances. However, as he refocused his attention, he reminded himself that appearances could be deceiving, and everyone had their own struggles and complexities beneath the surface.

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